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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. Have 2 in 155 I can forward for a couple beers or a commitment to refinance if anyone wants to go
  2. Let him go play with Correa and the Twins. I’m sure Reagan would love that and his salsa would murder it in the twin cities
  3. Tucker activated. Desenzo down. Mushi Mushi DFA
  4. It was down to 3.66 at the time. Lower 10 year = lower rates
  5. Well that was dumb. Salazar needed to stay up for Carrot flexibility
  6. Meyers has to come back as well so it will be Chas and someone. And Kyle has to come off 60 day so a 40 man move as well.
  7. Finally an unpredictable eviction
  8. Pretty sure I saw y’all that day. The tailgating that is. And yeah Skipperj loves him some Arsenal
  9. I see what you’re saying. Youre eating closing costs
  10. Down .04 today, down .06 yesterday, down .04 Tuesday so a very good week thus far, currently sitting at 3.72 which is right at a 15 month low (June '23). Also anyone who has bought in the last 18-24 months we have another incentive going on refinances (FHA and VA getting close to/doable at 4.xx).. can DM/email (pdubord@prodigymbo.com) or text/call if you wanna see some numbers
  11. Orioles and Indians lost, Yankees losing. No real damage done
  12. Hey next time it’s a RF on immaculate grid I’m using him
  13. Next BB producer plant confirmed
  14. It’s laundry. Good lord girl. Also the new stew isn’t terrible but the previews made her out to be better than she is
  15. Which IMO is never a bad thing. I will gladly stock any and all garage fridges as a closing gift.
  16. I wasn’t gonna spoil it but LilShep is starting at 1b
  17. You are banned from talking about injuries They are ahead of us
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