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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. Add in Dezenzo and Tucker and now we’re cookin. The bottom 3 can knife fight for CF
  2. Oz Ocampo let go by Marlins. Dana better hire him fucking immediately
  3. Shugart called up by the Red Sox
  4. Running like he’s gotta take a shit
  5. Give him Dubins innings. Ort is better anyway
  6. Can’t even get the strikeout streak record properly. Smh.
  7. Looks to be 9 by Reggie Jackson, Bo Jackson, Eric Davis and several others
  8. Garcia still not throwing. Time to shut him down. He isn’t that vital to this years team as reliever only
  9. At least now Quinn knows he’s a douche. Last week for a while they had a shot at him
  10. Just grab any one of @Wulaw Horn post about Habib and quote it word for word.
  11. Helps to not wait til 10pm Tuesday night
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