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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. Helps to not wait til 10pm Tuesday night
  2. Marcellus and Lawon have the champagne ready to welcome him in their club if he goes
  3. You gonna let someone who paid $450 and has a DL in your home for sale?
  4. Yeah it’s definitely going to be an adjustment period as it officially starts these next few weeks. Some fine tuning. Each home is a different situation but on a decent portion the buyer isn’t just gonna keep footing the bill without trying to get some of it back or they’ll just walk. Just more negotiation in the whole process which isn’t necessarily a bad thing
  5. Have you used the Realtor in the new city before (like is he writing it from where you currently are)? A few ways to skin that cat but yeah you could ask for 2k back. Or take 2k+ off the offer (this is where I would start).
  6. This veto Comp reminds me of something
  7. Yeah there is no such thing as a free lunch. Basically they’re doing a higher rate (more money from lender) and then using that on you. Also in regards to the step down method some people do that and do your refi a bunch of times. I’d rather do the lowest I can get you the first time and capture it rather than do it 4 times in 4 years since you have to wait longer nowadays. How we’ve always done it at least. I would wager to say most of you have enough equity in your homes to do a no cost refi (not free but no money to the table) for a refinance you would be doing
  8. You should definitely shop it. Couldn’t hurt. Also to compare fee sheets and such. As far as the rate itself, I think I’d wait a little bit to see what shakes out with rate cuts and whatnot. You still have 8 months or so left on your timeline. Odds (hopefully) are that you have a couple refinances in your future if you bought near the top of the market
  9. Gotta think Diaz is the corresponding move
  10. New stew (in rest of season preview) looks nice
  11. I both agree and disagree with the post. 6th for Lulz makes sense but how many guys that have been here since 2018 see the change. I only visit it to see what Doomlet is writing on his homework these days. The casual viewer certainly isn’t associating 6th with business so the claim that Mccombs would be the same is unfounded. I would assume the goal is to attract other SEC fans to grow the board so it needs to be something maybe more name specific I also think maybe as a sub forum like we have on food as a “Hookedin”
  12. Mccombs only other thing that may trigger the casual viewer
  13. Oh he gives none fucks because he knows unless he wins he’s going up again
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