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Everything posted by EverybodyGoDeep

  1. Trick plays, penalties, and offensive ineptitude
  2. Throw it to the TE even if you are throwing it at his feet. It is an incomplete pass
  3. I have been looking for the gray track suit the team wore coming off the plane in Atlanta, but it isn't anywhere I have seen yet
  4. Thanks for the posts. Sad thing is we know what this feels like the last decade. We ain't ever going back.
  5. 1. Zone is not our thing. The 12 yard out killed us. Klubnik had the timing and arm to hit that in defiance of our defense. 2. The we got away with offensive PI (extending the arm in a push off and got under his skin 3. He held up in the end and we stopped them on first down.
  6. Plays for the best team in Utah. Tough to evaluate him because the school recruits across the state and has better athletes than their competition. Won the state title even though this qb went out in October.
  7. Aggy got to be pissed we are playing mo gamba
  8. 3 and goal at the 1. Right where we want them.
  9. Hate we are playing zone but running qb.
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