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President Camacho

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  1. Hear me out here, but what if Chuck Woolley IS ALSO VAPA
  2. President Camacho


    Had a bunch of old carts laying around with those last little bits you just can't get out, so I opened them up and held them under a hot hairdryer, over a pyrex. Ground up a few buds, mixed it all together. High!
  3. The King is dead, long live the King
  4. Do you have kids? Cardboard can soak up a lot of blood
  5. Shows I have 79 cents. Undoubtedly the remnants of my investment in Countrywide Mortgage.
  6. Also I was promised a mouse pad
  7. No he was going to sell it to somebody else
  8. My family bought a dog from a guy who got murdered. Before he died
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