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Everything posted by LetYourNutsHang

  1. Super cute. Probably gonna get a lotta rep
  2. Yes, based on NFL draft picks, especially 5 first rounders and 3 second rounders from Baylor compared to 2 of each for Texas starting in 2011. That said, based on what I’ve seen the last two years I think our 2020 squad is our best since 2009 and has more overall talent than any team in the conference.
  3. Never too early for cock
  4. Feeling low on rep this morning?
  5. Damn. I’ll be in the red by the time you get back.
  6. 100%? I’ll take you up on that.
  7. Lol. I’ll keep this short. I addressed your first point. If correcting what you said is irrelevant, then what you said is irrelevant. Of the two of us, only one has presented facts. Who says slink away? Asking me to put you on ignore is funny in more ways than one. And it must be hard never thinking that you’re wrong.
  8. Thanks for sharing
  9. Doesn’t a troll make ad hominem statements?
  10. Go on. Be specific
  11. Stopped reading after more 3- and 4-stars picks than 5-stars. I wrote more 3 stars than 5 stars. Big difference. And just for future reference, pointing out flaws in an assumption doesn’t by definition no longer make it an assumption. It makes it a more sound assumption, but still an assumption. I can tell this is going nowhere, so I’ll leave it at that. Not going to keep arguing about the definition of a word.
  12. It’s an opinion that is based on an assumption that a player’s recruiting ranking is infallible. We’ve had 3 three-star draft picks in the last two classes with players eligible to be drafted and will have a 3-star going in the first round next year according to every mock draft.
  13. What’s unclear about “The real problem with that list is the fact that Baylor is getting more 3 stars drafted in higher rounds than Texas with what is perceived (and in reality) inferior talent.“
  14. I’m referencing the statement that Baylor has had inferior talent based on number of stars.
  15. There’s so much wrong with what he said. First off, if going back 5 years/recruiting classes, only 2016 and 2017 recruits would’ve been even eligible to be drafted. It also ignores 3 three-star draft picks and 12 4-star recruits that have transferred/quit due to medical conditions/failed to make it on campus.
  16. You’re basing your argument on the false assumption that a recruit’s number of stars is an infallible measurement of said player’s level of talent. There were more four more 3-star first round draft picks this year than 5-star ones (7-3). Obviously part of that is a numbers game since there are many more 3-star recruits, but it’s still telling. Since 2015 we’ve had an equal number of 3-star draft picks as 4/5-star ones too.
  17. They’ve had a better program over that period, so I’d be surprised only if they had fewer draft picks
  18. Care to elaborate? EDIT: about the inferior talent part
  19. What’re the sources on my being FM’s sock? I imagine they’re ironclad after yesterday
  20. Are Sandusky jokes kosher?
  21. Agreed 100%. You can take over from here
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