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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. Falling out could be a problem though. I guess a fall of about 25 ft isn't destined to be fatal, perhaps your chances of survival increase from the post-coital relaxation. However if you fell after she gave you a standing blow job, you probably don't make it if you land on a hard surface.
  2. Speaking of stroking out after retirement. I plan on getting a Cialis prescription and doing just that...
  3. Does the Herman crew not do photos of move-in day? Always good for a few MILFy momma pics.
  4. I'll wait for @closetojumping to confirm the 'shh' count.
  5. Really disappointed we didn't get an unsolicited 'Whoop!' or 'Howdy!'.
  6. Man, nothing about this hire? I figured there would be some knowledge dropped by now, but not even a Derka hot take that this guy obviously sucks because he was selected by Shaka.
  7. Pics of your drunk, European trophy wife would take us off on another tangent.
  8. Please no Pedo State! They are only an iconic brand among the NAMBLA crowd.
  9. So what's the appropriate hand gesture for 'OU Sucks!'? They are sort of constrained by their shitty identity. A limp-wristed horns down is probably the best they can do in 'polite', non-methed up company.
  10. Can you also smurf his skin tone to blue?
  11. We have Bazier's Shhhh-o-meter vs. CTJ's nouveau riche, almost-insider access. I usually side with CTJ's access and in this case 4 silents are better than 3.
  12. Well there was that fire in the football team's equipment shed near the Texag offices just a couple of years ago right? Some say it was the day that the Station was first truly lit.
  13. God dammit Roma. You alone have done more to turn the last few pages of this shit fest even shittier. This place is the same shit as it always. The 2018 thread probably looks golden because we got so many guys so early and we were all amazed at Herman's recruiting prowess.
  14. This is what I have never understood about the appeal of aggy to your typical teenage football player. Their tweets and photos suggest a real adherence to the superficiality of 'cool', especially urban, hip-hop cool. Where does maintaining cool and being rational about being a winner in football lead any blue chipper to aggy? They have never been exceptional as a football program and everything about their school screams uncool. Many moons ago when aggy was still a high-quality institution of higher learning, especially in engineering, I never once thought about going there. My family came from outside of Texas and I had no longstanding ties with any particular in-state school to bias me against aggy. I wasn't cool in any way shape or form (still ain't) and was very conscious about my future based on the school I was going to choose. But I would have even picked Tech over aggy just to avoid being aggy for the rest of my life, not to mention their fake army and milkman cheerleaders.
  15. But he said The Station is lit!!!!! #IDon'tBeliveYouGIF
  16. Gotdamn, that tweet is like a public service announcement about how shitty the NFL is at player evaluations.
  17. Basically, aggy has to pay now to get commits, we will wait and pay later.
  18. We know many, many players who were paid under the table. Cam Newton came with a price tag of at least a few hundred thousand. That may be the high end of the market, but that is also the high end of risky, illegal payments. Many others have talked about getting thousands of dollars from boosters. College eats up the oxygen for a true football minor league. But I am certain if college football ceases to exist a minor league would quickly spring up and it would be filled with guys easily getting paid well into the mid-six figures that none of us will have heard of until they get called up to the NFL. Geez, right now Baylor could pay each of their 85-man roster $100,000 a season and still reap $22M in revenue just from their largely unearned share of the Big 12's T1/2 contract.
  19. I would say that Baylor managed to take in $30M+ in media rights this year (largely for football) says you're wrong.
  20. Wish they would have shown what he tweeted after this one: "The culture of a MILF determines readiness more than any botox, foreplay, or size of rack. We are constantly on the lookout for gals that are great culture fits from the right husband. We've found that women who cheat on Jimbo Fisher consistently produce nice, parking lot-ready blowjobs."
  21. And Junior won't be doing the missionary position.
  22. Of course we can point out that aggy has offered 13 OOS WRs to our 7 OOS offers...
  23. I believe pics from the Princess are the necessary form of proof in this case.
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