This is what I have never understood about the appeal of aggy to your typical teenage football player. Their tweets and photos suggest a real adherence to the superficiality of 'cool', especially urban, hip-hop cool. Where does maintaining cool and being rational about being a winner in football lead any blue chipper to aggy? They have never been exceptional as a football program and everything about their school screams uncool.
Many moons ago when aggy was still a high-quality institution of higher learning, especially in engineering, I never once thought about going there. My family came from outside of Texas and I had no longstanding ties with any particular in-state school to bias me against aggy. I wasn't cool in any way shape or form (still ain't) and was very conscious about my future based on the school I was going to choose. But I would have even picked Tech over aggy just to avoid being aggy for the rest of my life, not to mention their fake army and milkman cheerleaders.