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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. Someone photoshop in some teeth from the British Book of Smiles to get this move off on a proper start.
  2. Don't use your Shaggy, I mean Surly, voice when out in public or filling in surveys. You might get mistaken for Rusty.
  3. I honestly couldn't go through any recent drafts and tell you which guys were complete busts, so I'll leave it for people who follow the NBA. Though I did read an article about an Eastern European phenom that is supposed to be a lottery pick this year. The article said that some NBA execs were still talking about not taking EE guys because of Darko Milicic! The article then noted a handful of successful EE guys in the NBA since then. It makes me wonder if the number of busts for any particular group is over inflated and the reality is just that some teams are better at identifying and developing talent. Those that fail are the ones who blame high school busts or Eastern European busts for their own lack of ability.
  4. Is there empirical evidence that backs this up? I have to admit I don't follow the NBA much anymore, but it still seems like there are a lot of highly drafted players that are deemed 'busts' every year.
  5. No doubt there is some wishful thinking on my part. But I also figure Silver isn't just going to say whatever he pleases, but will say what pleases his masters. Of course talking up revisiting that rule now could be laying the groundwork for it being a bargaining piece against the NBAPA in the future.
  6. Silver has talked about making HSers draft eligible a few times in the past couple of years from what I remember, so I get the sense they are at least keeping the idea on the table. There are several motivations for the NBA to let HS back into the draft. First, college basketball isn't a great minor league, but then I guess you get what you don't pay for. Most pro-sports people think they are the smartest guy in the room and I am sure they often wish they had gotten a player in their system a year earlier rather than watching a guy waste year with NCAA-limits on practice time and potentially suspect or ill-fit coaching. Adding HSers would also put more untapped 1st round talent into the pool. I imagine there are people in the better organizations that would love to apply their better scouting skills to get these guys before they show out on the small stage and watch them go to weaker teams who might have missed a player's value coming out of HS. I have no clue if any of these are really compelling, but I could definitely see teams wanting to put their scouts up against the rest of the league's. The reason for mentioning the idea of not allowing freshman to play, was to note that the NCAA has little pressure they can bring to bear. Giving lifetime bans to cheating coaches is even less likely to get implemented because they are even more important to a school than a one-and-done. Their biggest threat is probably engaging in more preemptive banning of players accused of being on the take. There are only a few blue bloods and the rest of the P5 could push for more crack downs in hopes of leveling the playing field. That wouldn't require any rule changes either.
  7. And I then said that I doubted they would ever do that. I don't think they would in large part because I am not sure it would do much to press the NBA to change their rules, should they prove unwilling. In reality a Kevin Durant wouldn't be in street clothes at Texas, he would be in Europe or Asia earning a paycheck and making sure the NBA could see him play. I also doubt the schools would see much difference in money...at least in aggregate. Sure Texas would have lost some fan interest had we not had Durant that one year and that team didn't make a Sweet 16, but I am not sure if other Texas teams might have had better records and tourney runs in many years by having a stable, more experience roster rather than cycling through rent-a-players. The biggest loss for Texas would be not having Durant as a big time booster, but the likelihood of Texas again drawing one of the Top 2 basketball players of any given era is pretty slim. I would be curious to see if more tickets were sold after the one-and-done rule was brought back compared to when the NBA took HSers. I ultimately think the NCAA and NBA get on the same page and the NBA opens their draft to high school players again, but I doubt they will agree to rules like in baseball that require a college player to be 3 years removed from HS before being draft eligible again.
  8. One way I read that the NCAA could try to force the NBA's hand on one-and-dones would be to not allow freshmen to play. Doubt they would go that far and perhaps the NBA would be happy to see their future players get more intensive training overseas than NCAA-mandated time limits on practice for student-athletes. Really wish they could set up what baseball has and let HS players either go pro immediately or have a required 3-year investment in college.
  9. Officially known as 'Chris Nelson's The Waiting Game'.
  10. I am not sure aggy would have gotten Fisher if they were still in the Big 12. At the very least I am not sure if they would have gone with $75M guaranteed, even though FSU likely wasn't all that interested in keeping Fisher around even if aggy had gone with something less. That few added millions they get from sharing a conference with Bama, Georgia, and Florida, allowed them to be even more reckless than usual.
  11. 'Seeing Hand in everybody's ass'! Gold, Jerry, Gold That's the sort of Freudian shit it is hard to pull off with fake reports.
  12. I'm gonna guess with a username like stork642 he's somewhere between Merton Hanks and an elderly Kayan woman.
  13. I can't imagine what he might rake in raffling off a loaded Jizz Jar, a sliver of wood from the Last True Bonfire, or the Sweaty Shroud of Jimbo.
  14. Sounds more like rickyspub made an aggyfied account Sorry, I always 'Whoop' when I fake aggy.
  15. Kid's lucky Chavis moved on. Being a snuff boy doesn't come with a lot of job security.
  16. Well, it was ousux who lacks the drive and initiative to become a day drunk, our local Sausage King is on board with also being the Sauce-age King though..
  17. Definitely seeing a lack of initiative and commitment here.
  18. I lived a number of years in the Northeast, but I hadn't been back up there for a winter in over a decade. I was back up there this January and it was a fucking shock when I got hit by a moderate wind gust at 28 degrees! I don't know how often he gets back up to Columbus, but a Spring Game at 45 degrees with rain, couldn't have been a plus.
  19. So he is officialling during both school's Spring Games. I don't see it as a problem. If he were getting a full red-carpet at OSU and a time-constrained visit here, it would be a problem. He gets more of an apples-to-apples comparison this way. His OSU visit could be limited by his flight times, while here he hopefully stays until the last minute of the allotted time. Unfortunately it looks it will be relatively nice temperature-wise in Columbus this weekend, though rain is in the Saturday forecast. They are only hitting 45 today.
  20. They will tell us how great their bread is over everyone else's steak and potatoes. Or perhaps Jimbo will get his one year of OOS boost from talented, but behavior/academics risk players like Strong did.
  21. Wait, he changed his UOV to an OV? Sounds like advantage aggy to me. Unfortunately we won't have Hamm's Crystal Balls to punch around here anymore.
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