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Everything posted by Jshep34

  1. I don't see how Dom gets any push. The served time story line is trash. Sami is over with crowds . Kevin and him may challenge the tag titles
  2. Don't see how bray can continue these special light gimmick matches. Graves and McAfee are a absolutely beating on commentary
  3. It can't be stated enough Mr.Crane is the greatest Houston sports team owner in history.
  4. That was some crazy weather. Tornado missed refinery by hundred feet. Some damage .
  5. They will take a right guard at #2. Then a punter at #12. They just need as much talent as possible. Take absolutely best avaliable
  6. BoB offensive coordinator for NE now. Wonder if he needs a gm also?
  7. Loved Doran. Always enjoyed the story of him helping Biggio on how to play 2nd base on the floor of the astrodome after the rodeo.
  8. I can confirm that is the starting offer. He is in process of learning from a fellow Longhorn
  9. Lilshep accepts his awards
  10. Should be in the Smithsonian art gallery.
  11. Houston Flying Chanclas
  12. Hey the roughnecks start in a few weeks
  13. She is checking her tinder profile
  14. Ok abc 13 go back to game. We know it's raining in Houston. It's 2023 we all have access to weather apps.
  15. Xfl was thriving before covid. St. Louis games were filled, houston was also. Hopefully it continues.
  16. Skip should be fired for that post. Nfl should be dragged thru the coals for the 5 minute suck it up and get back on the field mindset. Prayers for Hamlin.
  17. Till wrestlemania
  18. Jags maybe putting in 2nd string with 10 minutes left in 2nd quarter.
  19. 3rd down you run the ball up the middle with no push then try the same thing on 4th while the jags are stacked in the middle. Perfect summary of the inpetitude of the coaching staff and players
  20. Astros team store or astros.com auctions
  21. Merry Christmas to all you life long astros fans. Drink up and celebrate our Astros winning another world series.
  22. Astros playback games have started on att sportsnet
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