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  1. When's the 10-year anniversary of those bolt-ons? Is there a warranty period?
  2. Probably just confused it with another site. Happens all the time.
  3. Authentic pieces from native artisans showcasing their culture
  4. "new" is is doing a lot of lifting here. Pretty sure they were boosted from a cadaver
  5. how does this break down into user seconds
  6. I assume the ads on this site work thusly: 1. Plaster the spammiest, most annoying ads possible on as much of each page as possible 2. Wait for some troglodyte with three fingers on his right hand to click one by accident 3. ??? 4. Profit 4b. Invest in a barbecue place, I guess
  7. what about Mongoloid? as in, “Goddammit, Derka is a fucking mongoloid” and does anything change if he claims Asian ancestry
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