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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Sure. And how wealth can avoid income.
  2. He’s going to war with the citizens of the USA.
  3. Maternal deaths rose 56%, in Texas, from 2019 to 2022; nationally, maternal deaths rose 11%. Covid played a part, but these researchers said Texas’ abortion ban is the main reason behind Texas’ quintupling the national increase. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna171631
  4. Last year in this country, police killed 3.4 people a day. https://mappingpoliceviolence.us/
  5. French doctors reject the Cass Review, and affirm treating trans patients prior to puberty. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0929693X24001763#tbl0001
  6. Johnson borrowed money against SS to pay for the Vietnam War. Reagan and Bush borrowed money against SS to pay for tax cuts. But, again, those citizens at the bottom of the pay scale pay federal payroll taxes. They pay into SS and Medicare. Do you claim teachers, or other government employees, those who exempt from SS tax and also from benefits, do not pay federal income tax? Yeah, I am concerned about not letting old people starve and also about medical care for sick people. And, while I am open to means testing for recipients, I know where the vast majority of wealth this nation has created over the past half century is located, and I support WW2 era tax policies upon that wealth.
  7. Yes, I am aware of the crunch. Maybe, because of my age, I am also aware of Democrats who tried to set aside the inflow for today’s outflow and were outvoted by Republicans who wanted those funds included in the general budget (generally speaking.) I am also cognizant of the income cap, beyond which taxpayer’s income is no longer subject to these specific taxations. I am open to learning how taxing all income for these programs isn’t sufficient to the need, as well as that rate which would do so. Truth is, I haven’t the desire to learn what exactly is currently necessary to meet this nation’s promises, given the profligate motivations of past Republicans. Edited to recognize you are aware that your claim that 50% of US citizens pay no tax is utter bullshit.
  8. Sorry an unhinged suicide terrorizes you. Give your guns away and you’ll be fine.
  9. The Vegas suicide seems to me to be about the public feud between Musk and a faction of MAGA over immigration. If this statement crosses a line, then we need a CR thread.
  10. Watched today’s press conference. POS posted three videos on his way from Houston to New Orleans. The FBI said his plan was to act in the war between believers and non-believers. Also, FBI now says he acted alone.
  11. Whoever this is at the official update going on said the Sugar Bowl will kick off at 3PM. Edited to say the guy is Governor Landry.
  12. Getting into the Sugar Bowl will depend on whether bomb sniffing dogs take an interest in you. https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/new-orleans-truck-attack-suspect-01-02-25-hnk/index.html
  13. Well, thanks, @Ag with kids, for the opportunity to point out the turnip party wants to cut SS, and, perhaps, Medicare, despite those two programs having a dedicated tax, which legally employed citizens pay into, and for that half of the country you mention, at 100% of their income.
  14. @Wally Fairway, would you please update the title of this thread to include those folks who have since died?
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