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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Willfully Horn

  1. My family loved, of course, walking 37th back when. The memory we talk most was a display in the back of hatchback: three troll dolls dressed as wise men, gathered around a manger full of baby-belles, a Gouda, Swiss, etc.

  2. RIP, Mr Charley Pride.

    His life always hit close to home.

    I held one of his grand kids, only a couple of months old, at San Marcos’ Eye of the Dog Art Center, and was afforded the feeling I was being helpful while doing so.

    Good people.


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  3. 7 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    i can't figure out 2024.  i sort of have the feeling that they are only increasing their brand as the retards with shit smeared in their hair, like, even beyond their 2016-2020 version.  you get four more years of olds dying (praise be) and new voters entering that aren't poisoned by fox news yet.  they could really be ending it all.

    This is the reason I doom scroll. They’ve got a clear shot at seizing power, Constitution be damned.

  4. On 12/7/2020 at 10:35 PM, 0xdeadbeef said:

    .We're supposed to be outraged why?

    Has she disputed the facts in the search warrant?  

    She denied sending the Alert. My emotions have some momentum, because hoax>flu>my freedoms>masks don’t work>most people will be fine. If the government of FL proves its case, my emotions will change.

  5. The aerial maneuverability of that cylinder was quite remarkable. 

    The experiment seemed to have fuel escaping, and nonproductive ignition of escaped fuel, at a couple of points, to my amateur eyes. Most noticeably as it started its descent, with small flame clouds around the tail. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    Guys, this is a good thing. A 6-3 Court, with 3 Trump Justices is gonna shoot it down with haste. Gonna make the election just that much more legitimate.

    if only I could get past the image of our Republic’s exposed throat, with a knife out, and the 70,000,000 who would see a fatal cut as a godsend. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  7. 7 minutes ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    Go live in your bubble and listen to your msnbc. Go online and chat with your buddies to get confirmation bias you know what you think is right. There will be no numbers that make you see reality. 

    Again, the only numbers you have offered show the US ranked 11th out of 194 in deaths per million. In response to a chart showing that four out of the top eight deadliest days in US history happened last week:

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    You know the article is bullshit because

    Trump wouldn't keep anything like this quiet. /no CR

    Reading Snopes’ translation of Eshed’s statements suggests Trump wasn’t told. Their translation is arguably CR. 🤣

  9. I get why PAC prefers numbers. Looking up crash deaths counted as Rona deaths, I read an article that detailed such an occurrence in Florida, yet the gist of the article was how Rona deaths are being undercounted. FOX’s shit’s confusing.

    BTW, the CDC disputes the claim that crash deaths are being Rona tallied.

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