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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Almost had it, I said. What you continue to leave out of your reasoning is the woman who is carrying the fetus. You’re not alone, of course. You are with the group that includes folks who carry signs, like the one seen at Texas State earlier this month, that read: “Women are Property.”
  2. You’ve almost got it.
  3. He’s just like us! -magats
  4. Okay. I will stop engaging.
  5. The notion that children of progressives are more likely to have mental health issues.
  6. The Chinese gave it a go.
  7. I am not claiming science has the last word on morality. I was mocking @Anastasis, who implied that it did. Showing his ass may be why he wants to shoehorn another topic into this thread.
  8. Last Cowboys’ game I ever attended, my wife and I drove through a dozen plus car pileup at the 35 and 20 interchange. Smashing and tires flying, and car parts. I made a couple of quick steering adjustments, and we were through it all, unscathed. We looked at each other, and then I started shaking. It was my Neal Cassidy moment.
  9. OK, Zealot the Moron, keep on rolling. Keep those anti-depressants out of the reach of your kids. Their genetics imply that stuff will scramble their brains.
  10. lol. Here’s a screenshot of the exchange. Not being able to track conversation is your gift to the thread. Put the Moscovskaya back on Spec’s shelves.
  11. Then you understand that the Methodist Church, the Episcopal Church (United States), the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, all are supportive of the right to choose, you duplicitous, narcissistic, zealot. You understand the only mention of abortion in the Torah gives a husband the right to demand termination of a pregnancy, as well as the death of his spouse, if he claims his spouse was unfaithful, and that the New Testament is completely silent on the issue, despite the contemporaneous practice of abortion. And, you understand my own faith’s silence on the issue. Because it isn’t any of our business. Ironic post is ironic.
  12. Maybe it’s the absence of psychotropics in this house which enabled me, but apparently not you, to follow our exchange, Oleg. You laid claim to the values of science. I pointed out a science based conclusion. Lay off the sauce, zealot, or your running buddies will stone you at the city gates, then rape your women, and force them to give birth to their demon seeded bastards.
  13. When winning an election doesn’t staunch the hate in their hearts, “At least five Democratic members of Congress from Connecticut were targeted by bomb threats on their homes Thursday, the lawmakers or their offices said. Sen. Chris Murphy and Reps. Jim Himes, Joe Courtney, John Larson and Jahana Hayes all reported being the subject of such threats. Police who responded said they found no evidence of explosives on the lawmakers’ properties” https://apnews.com/article/bomb-threats-democratic-lawmakers-connecticut-238ed68ed2c66601a6e0d4378715d6fe
  14. I want child marriage banned in the USA. Here are the states that do, and don’t.
  15. Tough to cheat when you are dead. You and the other man’s child.
  16. Demonstrating citizens are not capable of ruling themselves has been a project long before Republicans sought to hamstring government in order to prove it cannot function as needed.
  17. Most honest political post, imo, that you have yet offered.
  18. Why, do you suppose, that could be?
  19. lol. Science says overpopulation ought be culled.
  20. Folks smarter than you concluded that breath gave life, and, further, that conclusion was God. I get a narcissist would think their own beliefs inviolate. And, so, fuck you.
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