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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Of course you do, zealot.
  2. You stated abortion is basically a philosophical issue. Which is akin to a religious one. You are a zealot. Fuck off. Cast your stones, speak for your God, hypocrite. Fuck you.
  3. Folks who want to impose their religion on the rest of this country are zealots. Fuck them all. Anti-American and un-Christian. I’ll call them traitors, because, again, fuck them.
  4. Yeah, you might want to consider the published aims of Peter Thiel, and the New Right. They seek to institute what they call a monarchy. And, Thiel’s connection to coming administration, coupled with turnip’s comments about being a dictator for a day, (which is all a dictator needs to have a day two,) as well as turnip saying, in 2022 when he was still lying about the election: “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” is more than enough actual, factual, basis to make the claim you mock. You chump. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/inside-the-new-right-where-peter-thiel-is-placing-his-biggest-bets?srsltid=AfmBOorrPKZJc9DOkHFVxljR7s6cjytUaZYJViIDdLeQVxeSFruaKf7o
  5. Pandemonium
  6. Texags is not dissimilar to CS Lewis’ concept of hell, in that their board is replete with individual thoughts, with few participants. Isolated individuals, screaming into the void.
  7. Hahahahahaha
  8. Again, thanks. Perhaps I am missing something, but it seems as though “Yeah, except for those prosecutors appointed under the Ethics in Government Act,” could have also served in answering my last post. Enlightened by your posts, I reread the Cato analysis. Cannon had four statutes to consider, which were cited by Garland in appointing Smith. One she did, indeed, reject by arguing the statute clearly applied to the FBI, given the distinction between officers and officials. Another she dismissed due to her belief that the phrase “attorney specially retained”, meant only attorneys that were already employed. Because “retained” was used in its past tense. As if hiring someone for a purpose is best expressed “attorney specially retain.” And for another, she proclaimed that “prosecute,” in 1966, actually was meant to convey a narrower definition of the word “prosecute.” She is arguing that, in ‘66, “prosecute” meant to help further a prosecution, and not to actually, you know, prosecute. TL/dr Absent further information, I disagree that the Cato analysis was anything other than bullshit.
  9. OK. I think I understand. Thanks.
  10. Unless you want to make a date. Posted on IX KAL
  11. So, did Cannon decide that everyone who had dealt with these special prosecutors was clueless on what mattered? Did Cannon discover that none of them were empaneled legally, since the statute mentions officers, and not officials?
  12. Thanks. So, Cannon ruled that Nixon was right, and the court wrong, and Cato agreed? Or, Nixon was agreeing that special counsel appointments are valid?
  13. Republicans have been too successful dumbing down the citizens of this country.
  14. The Cato analysis uses RDuke level verbiage to differentiate between the meanings of “officer” and “official.” Interesting to me, they rely on a Nixon era case which, as I understand it, wasn’t fully adjudicated, since Nixon resigned before the issue was settled.
  15. Unsurprisingly, you didn’t read your cited commentary. No mention of how thousands of pages are too many for R politicians to read. I’m sure twice will explain the Cato analysis, but you have merely reinforced the belief that magat beliefs are not reality based.
  16. If it has already been said, then I agree it seems like Sark was not satisfied with how Quinn responded to taking control of this team, after Arch replaced him, after an injury.
  17. Fuck, fuck, fuck
  18. The new home of Cain & Abel's is located just two blocks west to 907 W 24th St. Fuck off, Boley.
  19. So, antidepressants go with bourbon.
  20. Are there still jukeboxes on the wall for what seemed like every booth?
  21. Funnily enough, chump, the dumb takes on Texags are not dissimilar to your own posts.
  22. it’s close to Mockingbird. The original Campisi’s was on Mockingbird, and was known as the Egyptian.
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