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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Though I wish there were a less offensive way to do so, negged. Strict regulation. lol
  2. I won’t say I wish someone would shoot him in the head. But, a bullet, or better yet, a tire iron through one of his car windows, to change his smug sense of safety…. Is that asking too much?
  3. My dad’s first car was a model-a ford, and he loved that car, as well as others in that vintage. He built a large garage to work on them, and owned a few when Alzheimer’s tore him down. There were certain movies that he wanted to share with us whenever the opportunity arose, schedule and bedtime be damned. Those movies always had depression era cars.
  4. Cops responded to the Astral Way house within two minutes. Mother and daughter already were dead. There was a shootout outside that house, the second officer was wounded, then James fled in yet another car. But, after the crash at 45 & 1826, James immediately surrendered.
  5. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-police-to-give-update-on-shooting-spree-case-tuesday/
  6. I see it’s thread time for the misanthropes and psychopaths to start punching down.
  7. Hypotheticals. Mine gives more credit to Gore, who, you know, seemed to put country before self interest, and who might well have put competent people into positions of leadership. But, I do acknowledge your belief in the superiority of your hypothetical. Edited to repeat I was suggesting a possibility.
  8. Given that R-run Texas has a higher tax burden than D-run California, fatty is stupid AND a psychopath.
  9. 9/11 would not necessarily have been a terrorist’s wet dream had Gore been President.
  10. I think a change of hairstyles is safe to compliment. I like what you’ve done with your hair.
  11. If you’re talking ruger, it’s got to be hard.
  12. Take your masochistic public shame kink elsewhere, you creep. I’ve seen enough. Ignore.
  13. Now I have to wonder whether the Vietnamese lyrics to that tune, which have been stuck in my head for over forty years, speak of ears or balls. wash ‘em wink em philo.
  14. Pea dick’s cum bubble bursts, and a maggot crawls off, one day to become a pro gun water-head. /Bill Hicks approximately
  15. The DOJ waited a year before engaging. Crucial time lost, and this fact undermines your position. Though I agree with you about prevention. What is your take on efforts along those lines?
  16. Okay, OP. I’m feeling nostalgic. I remember when this was the sound of freedom. Fourth of July. Full concert.
  17. What conclusions did you come to, about Paul, the dci, the reported prison rape of a teenage boy, and the IDF confiscating dci’s computers and then labeling the org a terrorist group? Because I still don’t know who to believe. And I am skeptical of right wing actors, including Bibi. However, I have a lot of faith in your average bubbeh.
  18. Agreed. Imagine being the parent of a baby with hermaphroditism, and hearing that pos call your kid a product of evil.
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