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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Think he was a press secretary for some dickhead.
  2. First tie breaker is head to head. That’s how it is, or we need banana republic banners flying at any opportunity.
  3. Head to head has to matter, or what the fuck are we doing here? -announcer of SMU-Tulane (paraphrased) after the GA loss.
  4. Deterding is an unusual surname. Forefathers must have specialized in cleaning up shit.
  5. Well, you have the option of taking the butcher’s word.
  6. While I don’t doubt that, I still am unsure of how reliable dci-p is. They are a branch of a terrorist government, after all.
  7. Well, if the stories you’ve read were posted by @Anastasis, and were authored by dci-Palestine, the following link casts suspicion on dci’s credibility. To be fair, this link might be fake news, and dci might be legit. Unfortunately, the legit sites that review news outlets haven’t spoke to dci-Palestine. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/defence_for_children_international_palestine_section/ Edited to say that ngo-monitor has a mixed relationship with credibility.
  8. The Westlake Karen who was publicly upset at the word “cornhole” in a young adult book absolutely does atm.
  9. A page one “fuck you, you motherfucker.”
  10. Lulz. You think you're the winner? That isn’t it. It’s a kink thing spawned from the fetid fields of pschopathy. Similar to those who get off being humiliated.
  11. Born here. Married a woman whose family is among those who founded Bexar County. My own lineage in the New World arrived in 1715, Texas is my home. Yes, I love this land, and I have fed this state’s future; I have given back in gratitude. I expect you believe you have done the same, though I expect you are an easy sale.
  12. It is not the ability, but the inability, to draw comparisons between two events that is cognitively significant.
  13. Surlyhorns. Where Putin fed and alt right sycophantic talking points are first offered: https://www.empirecenter.org/publications/medicaid-spending-is-running-billions-over-budget/
  14. We see your dishonesty in framing the Medicare spending by the Texas government debate, and know you are an ass clown. Edited to add: who masturbates to Tiktok
  15. So, you like denying children money, that you’ve already spent, for their healthcare? Again, fuck you. This NPR article is dated, but the dynamic still applies. If you want me to find a more current source for the same claim, answer my question. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwir3f_ry-WCAxVplGoFHSiVB_YQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.npr.org%2F2015%2F05%2F29%2F410470081%2Ftexas-didn-t-expand-medicaid-advocates-say-money-is-being-left-on-the-table&usg=AOvVaw2YcSseqnzb5T3P2lGvUIFc&opi=89978449
  16. Fuck you, too. People who like to make money care. And folks who bloviate about economic principles care. This story ought be seen as an opportunity for investors to make money selling tampons, with a market advantage of a significantly lower price.. People care about that. This story ought be paired with the story about the cost of insulin. There are ways to produce insulin that would meet the market need of a lower price. There’s money to be made. The fact no one is filling these niches call the tropes we are fed into question. Edited to add that US productions costs are $9 per hour lower, for labor, than Europe’s. https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2009/mar/wk5/art01.htm Also adding my wife’s comment that there are women, and young women, who go without because of the expense. Again, fuck you.
  17. Once again, fuck you Republicans. Fuck you @fattyflattie. Fuck you @Incredulity. Fuck you @DalTxHornFan. (Oh, and congratulations on standing out as Surly Republicans, too, in an era where aligning with Republican is akin to aligning with fascists. Fuck you).
  18. Shoot fascists in the face. Don’t involve children in violent political disputes. Don’t claim that is happening without supporting your claim, no matter what Putin wants you to post.
  19. One Thanksgiving, my mom’s oldest sister asked me if I was smoking weed. Sure, Aunt Caroline, every day, says 17 year old me. Ain’t it just like a teenager, she says, tell you the truth to your face and expect you not to believe it. That’s all I got.
  20. I like to freeze my bowl before I eat fruit loops and snowflakes.
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