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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Yeah. I feel fairly murderous when I consider how much shittier the landscape is for my children than it was for me. Fuck you, Republicans. You fucking toddlers.
  2. Almost. Thanks for the nudge. it makes them an appeaser or a lackey.
  3. Clamoring o cede territory taken by force does not make someone a oeacenik. It makes them a
  4. A path to peace has already been put into n the table. Ana must support Ukraine ceding land to the aggressor. He certainly hasn’t offered his take on what might lead to a peaceful outcome, unlike Biden. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/09/21/remarks-by-president-biden-and-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-of-ukraine-after-expanded-bilateral-meeting/
  5. Denouncing communism gets under uou skin, Ana? Perhaps you are against the promotion of democracy abroad? Other than those two things, I reject non-defensive military force, and generally suppprt peaceful radicals. Now that I have addressed how well you have described my political self. Let’s do you. Narcissist A grandiose sense of self-importanc A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions A need for excessive admiratioN Interpersonally exploitive behavior A lack of empathy Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes
  6. Said by the guy using fat’s own logic, as I provided in his quotes. Must have escaped your notice.
  7. Gotcha. The Nazis are your people. Fuck you.
  8. Y’all are right, of course. My mistake. But his record did stand for quite a long time. The next record holder (Matt Prater) held the record for only eight years, before Tucker claimed it. I see that there are now twelve field goals of 62 yards or more.
  9. Was thinking last weekend about Jack Dempsey holding the record for longest field goal for forty years, and that lately sixty plus yarders might now be termed commonplace. Give the kid a break. She has been practicing a week.
  10. Close. If fiscally conservative were to mean graduated tax brackets that continue upwards the more money you make, and tighter regulations on banking and the market, as it ought to, then that’s me. I used to be left of center. Since the center disintegrated, I have been moving left. I am a patriot and I love what this country claims to stand for. I
  11. I remember when HEB, and probably other businesses, used to have coupons in the Sunday paper. Maybe they still do. With all the talent that Surly r boasts, there’s likely to be a silver tongue able to craft an offer no right minded business can refuse: pay imma for a board dedicated to the, soon to be sop, digital Surly BOGO.
  12. The wife and I were tooling around the Hill Country, looking at properties. At a scenic rest area outside of Fischer, someone had propped a 18X18X2”, engraved sign against a picnic table. It read, “Joe Biden sucks,” and was properly spelled(!) which I put in our truck bed. Probably will toss it on the burn pile, which means I have plenty of time to think up a better use for it. We saw several anti-Biden signs, the best being, “Biden is the Worst” with a sausage below, and several pro-Trump signs, but not as many as I had expected. The biggest disappointment was Bandera, which we both remember fondly. The wife now describes Bandera as a shithole. It is home to this place, which I’ve seen on this thread I believe. Boy, Boerne is exploding.
  13. He just wants the trains to run on time.
  14. Talking with my buddy the history buff about the movie Midway, and he tells me that military intelligence chief (or whatever) was famous for dressing in non regulation attire. Looked like dressing robes and pjs. In the upper echelon of the US military. I get that people expect certain clothing for certain jobs. Spend your money, or your vote, where you like. I could give a fuck of your opinion on where I spend mine. But I won’t.
  15. Weird takeaway from the link info. Stats discuss who is killed by gun violence, not who pulls the trigger. Check my math here, but in the last two decades “active shooter” situations have grown by 1933%.
  16. Purposely chose this thread, because I believe it belongs here, as the things discussed in this thread take a fucking toll on those who have love this land, whose families have loved this land, before it was a nation or a state: RIP Charlie.
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