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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Either we enforce gun laws, or we don’t. I seem to remember plenty of wing nuts saying we don’t need more gun laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. Easy enough to agree on the second part of that statement.
  2. I kinda thought Mary had become God’s communication director. /s
  3. I don’t think you do. Music is not zero sum. Creators are akin to a mineral deposit that materializes right before your eyes.
  4. Lol. Every day Isbell writes culture is created, money comes from nowhere. You are a Lincoln log, zero sum nobody. But he’s a bitch. Sure. To dumbasses. ”Have fun, stay clear of the needle, call home on your sister's birthday”
  5. Procedure is called a missed abortion, I believe. My wife underwent that operation.
  6. Haven’t seen one, no. They said they had rehearsed it once; the performance was magic.
  7. Surly has adherents to this mindset. Lucinda and David Rodriguez covered this at a Woody Hoot night at the Cactus. Last time I remember getting goosebumps.
  8. My take on his post was he was offering the gun nut rationalization.
  9. As there are almost 50% more cattle in 2023 than there were bison in 1800, that is more than fair.
  10. Abbot shows skill at sucking Satan’s shlong.
  11. Sorry to read this fascist enabler still has his job in San Marcos.
  12. Though I think you could offer insight into where that deal with the devil lies for you, personally, I know you won’t/can’t be so intellectually honest. I imagine giving up any freedom, abortion excepted, of course, and I speak of the right to privacy, would rankle someone who otherwise considers themself a patriot. And the demonization of immigrants ought make a Christian’s skin crawl. But, for you, Ana, the wholesale deepthroating of stupidity, as in utter rejection of fact, has to be anathema. You don’t reject facts you don’t like, you ignore them. Oh, and deflect.
  13. Gen X here who doesn’t remember duck and cover drills, and who views nuclear war as a remote possibility. But, I hold on to hope that people on this planet will face climate change, and have success when we do.
  14. I’d rather agree that those type tweets have value here.
  15. Here’s a link to the whole meeting for @Anastasis. He doesn’t respond well to embedded TikTok tweets. Ferret out the disinformation for us, sir. https://www.c-span.org/video/?524567-1/hearing-politics-supreme-court
  16. The ability of fuckpoe, et al, I’d say extending to the alt-right in general, to be shown fact and then to absolutely ignore that fact, will never cease to confound.
  17. Electronic ballots with a generated back up paper ballot is the standard.
  18. If we want to reclaim grassland from the desert, and we should want to do that, we will need new business models, ones that wring whatever assets possible from the endeavor. I’d prefer not to have that message morphed into a defense of the meat industry. Thanks.
  19. Shout out to Mrs Whiggins. May your crust remain forever crisp.
  20. Fact has a liberal bias, eh, comrade? https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-racial-bias-in-appraisals-affects-the-devaluation-of-homes-in-majority-black-neighborhoods/ https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/protecting-homeowners-from-discriminatory-home-appraisals/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/realestate/housing-discrimination-maryland.html https://www.npr.org/2023/03/13/1161713496/home-appraisals-racial-bias-black-latino-homeowners-lawsuit https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-redistricting-race-voting-rights-alabama-af0d789ec7498625d344c0a4327367fe https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/08/politics/supreme-court-alabama-voting-rights-milligan/index.html
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