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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. After reading OP, the only thing we disagree upon is your word “perhaps.”
  2. His church seemed both accepting and loving.
  3. Much less concerned that he was acquitted by a jury than that he is still able to own a firearm.
  4. The number does seem ridiculous. Then again, any number is fucking unacceptable.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Fentanyl-Test-Strips-Testing/dp/B0C87BV7M1
  6. I hear mariachi static on my radio …
  7. Send to your libtard relatives and coworkers. All emblazoned with: 🖕
  8. I had the same thought. Pos rep.
  9. Recruitment advertisements suck.
  10. Today’s missive from Hartzell must not acknowledge UT already closing the decades old Multicultural Engagement Center. “To wit, the university bulldozed the many programs that the Multicultural Engagement Center housed, including: the New Black Student Weekend, Adelante, CultivAsian, Bloq Party, Four Directions, the Leadership Institutes, Afrikan American Affairs, the Asian Desi Pacific Islander American Collective, Latino Leadership Council, Native American and Indigenous Collective, Queer Trans Black Indigenous People of Color and Allies, Students for Equity and Diversity, and signature graduation ceremonies like Black Graduation, Latinx Graduation, GraduAsian, Lavender Graduation, the Monarch Center. The Gender and Sexuality Center was also replaced by the Women’s Community Center.” https://www.texasobserver.org/anti-dei-law-implementation-has-been-a-disaster/
  11. I was wondering about the same sentence. I guess it speaks to my lack of awareness, but I assumed these programs were about identifying marginalized groups, and supporting individuals in practical day to day issues, as well as assistance in class work and, as per Brisket, mentoring abut future options, but also about informing the broader community about those on the margins. Details on these programs would be helpful. I’ll look into it. Edited to say that I see Imma already spoke to the question.
  12. It is a carefully worded statement, but Hartzell does say some “student facing programs” will not exist next semester, as well as admit that all remaining programs will be become broader. Which limits the effectiveness of targeted efforts. It would be nice to think, like Imma, there will be no change, but I guess I am more cynical.
  13. Daughter just texted and said UT is shuttering their DEI program effective immediately. Here is the communication from Hartzell:
  14. The Lord’s Prayer is the only prayer my family says together. Unsurprising tfg doesn’t know the words. He doesn’t know the pledge of allegiance either, which is literally dumbfounding.
  15. God created a universe which inexorably led to a consciousness capable of an experience of God, because sharing is a natural impulse for those without personality defects. Pig tastes good.
  16. Meaning, the old and new testaments of the Bible. There are other texts, with which I not as familiar but have some awareness of, including the Zohar, as well as gnostic texts not included in the New Testament. Of these, the gospels of Mary and Thomas influence my beliefs. Yes, I believe Jesus lived. He was mentioned in the writings of both Roman and Jewish historians.
  17. I’ve read both testaments, as well as your earlier post. I don’t dispute the author’s points, but I do take issue with Paul’s proclamation. Jesus was a teacher, and he had a profound impact on our species. Because I believe in those teachings, I consider myself Christian. Peace.
  18. Tough loss. Our Horns battled to the end, Hook ‘em!
  19. Don’t understand why the refs didn’t go to the monitor to get the possession correct, but our Ladies are still in this game. Texas! Fight!
  20. Happy Easter! The resurrection of the son, aligned with the resurrection of the sun, imbued with the magic of transformation! And chocolate eggs! Louder? Don’t you Quaker, bro? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/12/21/where-christian-churches-stand-on-gay-marriage/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/06/21/where-major-religious-groups-stand-on-abortion/ft_16-06-22_churchabortion/
  21. Christian Nationalism is inherently contradictory. Don’t trust me, trust the source material for Christians. Y’all might want to also read up on the consequences of denying truth, because that is possibly the only deadly sin. It is disquieting, this wholesale abandonment of truth. Made more so by this eschatological component of evangelicals. Which supposedly includes a biblically scaled delusion, amplifying the “father of lies,” and yet sent by God,
  22. Your definition of Christian is shit. Be better.
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