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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. You might have quoted a different speech, but the clip you offered is the one for which I posted the transcript. Be better.
  2. Hopefully, @sheeeit, you’re sober enough to evaluate Joe’s exact quote: ”And Ambrose Finnegan — we called him “Uncle Bosie” — he — he was shot down. He was Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force. He flew single-engine planes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea. He had volunteered because someone couldn’t make it. He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time. They never recovered his body. But the government went back, when I went down there, and they checked and found some parts of the plane and the like. And what I was thinking about when I was standing there was when Trump refused to go up to the memorial for veterans in Paris, and he said they were a bunch of “suckers” and “losers.”” The WH is spinnng the story to say cannibals were a reason Joe’s uncle’s body was never recovered, but the only source suggesting cannibals ate Ambrose was the flower blooming in your mind.
  3. @sheeeit sounds like a sucker and a loser. He didn’t say his uncle was eaten by cannibals, dumb ass. He said his uncle went down in an area inhabited by cannibals.
  4. NPR used to air the Dead’s New Year’s show live. Fuck Ted Cruz.
  5. Exactly. This is the point.
  6. I missed Ana’s concession that tfg benefitted from Russian interference in the 2016 election.
  7. Folks who have sought to demonstrate government is incompetent by hamstringing government seemingly have won their battle. To the detriment of our society.
  8. Fuck yea! Homemade yogurt, paneer, and saag paneer! They can keep that devil’s dung, though. Something is off about that stuff and I ain’t having it in my kitchen. Fetid ass is an appropriate name.
  9. What sort of hammer are you referencing? If it is a fine, I’d argue the hammer is relative to assets. If he is removed from the courtroom, then I’d argue he gets what he wants. There is historical precedent for a different hammer:
  10. The challenge was for cause, ie posting a “honking cheer video” the night of the election. Near as I can determine, that’s a video of cars honking.
  11. Wealthy donors have absolutely fucked up the University’s mission of being a world class institution, as they have used their influence to force UT towards backwoods redneck bullshit.
  12. Repression and lack of imagination.
  13. There are naturally occurring reasons for such a sheen. Touch it with a stick. If it breaks into scales, instead of swirling, that is not petroleum.
  14. I’ve got a similar mark, but I remember mine. Equating Rittenhouse with the quote about why folks join the military, with one group being those who want a legal way to kill people, quoted from the first Reacher movie, was shit posting. Hey, everyone makes mistakes.
  15. Embracing bugger all to own the libs.
  16. Dude. Your talents in posting deserve the proper audience.
  17. He sure does. But, can he dog whistle?
  18. The girl was 14. Expressing the distinction of one year, when my girls were 14, would not have been persuasive. https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/mental-health-disorders/paraphilias-and-paraphilic-disorders/pedophilic-disorder
  19. Rock stars still claim songwriting credit on covers?
  20. My first thought was because he was a pedophile. But, Priscilla claims they had no sex until they were married; by then, she was 21. Apologies EAP, you song thief.
  21. Not so fast. The times are changing. A Lone Star tick in your show could possibly lead to Alpha-gal, which leads to an allergy to mammal flesh and related products. It can be deadly.
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