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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Reporters who cover tomorrow’s rally in Waco ought bring armed guards.
  2. Is there a board here where you cannot get neg bombed no matter what you post?
  3. Understood, now. I don’t begrudge you any of your achievements. But, I do think taxes are too low, starting with my own tax bracket, but especially on incomes with more than seven figures.
  4. Really good post. I acknowledge the need, the absolute requirement, to share. But, the Quakers do the best communal worship, where they sit in silence. One only opens their mouth to speak what God has told them to speak. With such a bar, silence is the state of worship.
  5. Tough to figure you out. You had a fit when I did @ you, responding to a post of yours I chose not to quote. But, I will @ your mention from hence forward. Your second sentence makes no sense to me.
  6. I, for one, do not require the Bible to be the unerring word of God, nor expect myth to be literal to be true, nor even for Christ to be the only son of God, to consider myself a believer in Christ and in God. If the purpose of religion is, as Joseph Campbell maintained, to experience a connection to the divine, then experiencing love for mankind, imo the love at the center of Christ’s commandments (if you will be generous enough to allow me those words as a reference,) is exactly such an encounter. While I first experienced agape through the lens of religion, I do not think religion is the only path to enter that state, to connect with the divine and love the other as yourself. Off topic, not so csb, spoiler:
  7. Does the Bible claim to be the word of God? Other than the Torah, I mean. I don’t recall such a claim, other than John 1:1, which is much less certain in regards to words on paper. “The Word was God” is remarkably declarative. I do know there are folks, seriously religious folks, who view every other OT book after the first four books as heresy. These folks (are they called ultra orthodox?) answer Md’s question: yes. And I wonder whether the prophets (shout out to Ezekiel!) were seen in those U-O circles as subjects of grift, puffists, the dismal tide, or, what? Evangelicals are completely fixated on the third chapter of John, and they are here to tell those ultra orthodox unicorns, (successfully navigating life according to the Word) that Hell is the reward for relying on a book as the ultimate word of God. Even when it explicitly says so. The God of the Torah changed His relationship to Human. More than once. If the Bible is all your watching, you might miss the best season. The moon is holding Venus.
  8. Must suck for folks like flattie, forced to vote for proponents of such blight, in order to put a roof over his family’s head.
  9. Several years back a Dallas area teacher was fired for taking students on a field trip to an art museum, where the kids saw depictions of nudity. The complaining parent had signed a permission slip, and had given their consent for their child to go to an art museum. The teacher was fired. Kudos to this principal, that’s what I want to think.
  10. Given that red state Texas pays more in state taxes than blue state California (paired due to size and economic prosperity,) and given that federal debt explodes under R administrations compared with D administrations, you must mean ignorance of fiscal conservatism.
  11. Mr @sheeeit, Did you read much about the constitutional authority of SCOTUS to negate an enumerated right? Me either. Matter of fact, the ninth Amendment makes clear they have no such authority. Get an Amendment, or GTFO.
  12. My wife and I agree that our daughters refuse to accept that any box exists. 🤘
  13. It is disgusting and entirely unacceptable that Republicans are attempting to establish a de facto national religion. I will continue to spend time, effort, my voice, and my money in opposition. There are people who try to love God, and also to love their neighbor, the other. Who vote for tolerance, and oppose intolerance, who vote for the rights of women, vote for the rights of all of humanity. Are they not also Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims etc? This thread reminds me of the gender wars, because I agree with the argument but not the conclusion. I am the father of two young women. They know that no one is fiercer in support, or more accepting of their autonomy, than I. Don’t tell me that I support a patriarchal framework for their future because I am a man.
  14. I like this post, and yes, Islamic folks have been instrumental in advancing science, and mathematics. In my (limited) understanding, though, Sufi’s credit their cosmology to mystics, so I am yet to be persuaded by your opening sentence.
  15. All excellent points. We differ in our reaction to your points in that you hold religion to a higher standard than do I. Science does have the built in doubt. I suppose I extend that same doubt to religion. As an example, those spinning Sufis came up with an absolute number of galaxies. We now think they were off by a factor of 10. That is quite an error, but less so in terms of a common understanding of the scale of the universe.
  16. I believe in God, creator of all that is. I also believe that science, like religion, attempts to describe what is, as well as mankind’s relationship to what is. Religion, writ large and imo, has done a remarkable job of describing what is. Supporting my opinion is a tl,dr post. I want to point out that science often describes what is after religion has already made the same description. This is the latest example, as science now is examining the idea that monism is what is, (and was awarded Nobel’s prize for physics in doing so.) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/quantum-monism-could-save-the-soul-of-physics/ Apologies if this has been discussed. I am catching up, and, AB, I want to ask that your claim, in another thread, that secular philosophy is the only force opposing the worst actions of humanity, be supported and examined,
  17. I am staunch in my support of improving public education. And also in my support of teachers. Fuck politicians who make their jobs more difficult. Your final sentence made me laugh. Made me think of bars in Seattle. As for Christianity, I hope you think the following is worth the two and a half minutes:
  18. Ostrich. https://time.com/6254832/republicans-sunset-social-security-medicare/
  19. Yep. Our poor receive money to eat. Another waste of your tax dollars; that’s what I infer from your rhetoric. (Though I did agree with channeling the use of those funds to healthier foodstuffs,) the premise that taxing you to feed the poor diminishes you and yours was quite clear.
  20. Because not seeing starving US citizens, either elderly or children, dying in the street would not make psycho’s life any better.
  21. Dude, that woman is yours to “enjoy.” If the price is right. Please has nothing to do with it.
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