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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. I think this thread is the perfect spot to post further examples of institutional racism. Please note, there are plenty of people who refuse to believe that institutional racism exists. I have posted, in other threads, supporting evidence that black citizens currently face discrimination in the accumulation of wealth, and in their ability to effectively utilize the right to vote. This post addresses another, major, aspect of a better life, and the institutional racism black Americans face in our healthcare system. ”Serious racial disparities exist in the U.S. healthcare system. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Black and Hispanic people receive worse care on 40% of the department’s care quality measures, Batten professor and social psychologist Sophie Trawalter told an online audience during the most recent installment of Batten Expert Chats. Trawalter emphasized the importance of paying close attention to that data. “The stated purpose of healthcare is to reduce pain and suffering,” she said, “and so to condone healthcare inequalities is to condone the pain and suffering of Black and brown people.” https://batten.virginia.edu/about/news/black-americans-are-systematically-under-treated-pain-why Edited to add: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa2034159
  2. No, I was pointing to proposed legislation currently making its way through the process. Legislation conceived and supported by folks on the alt-right, all white side of the discussion. While we might share a fidelity of intent, I was describing the perspective of folks who actually believe there is ‘white people are evil” subtext in diversity initiatives, African-American studies, women’s studies, CRT, etc. Other than the nonsense I see from alt-right sources, I am drawing a blank in this demonization of white people you mention. Perhaps an example would help me understand your second paragraph. I hope you saw the video where a guy details the difference between white folk, and white people.
  3. Inchoate false equivalencies are so 2016. “White folks are the real victims, dems are socialists/communists, and Dems want to take all your guns” was the laughable beginning to a point of view yet to be factually articulated on this board. Example: “white folks are inherently evil,” The only venues peddling that bullshit, effectively, are the GOP grievance media: Nevertheless, the message has been repeated constantly, to the point that the lying liars feel justified in criminalizing the discussion itself. The solution, according to the new right, is halcyon days where one shit heel can use racial and homophobic slurs, free of consequence, while another calling out those behaviors as racist and homophobic can face civil liability. There is no hope for meaningful communication as long as facts are not respected. The right did this. It is their stated plan, towards a stated goal of monarchical rule. Remove the log. Then let’s talk splinters.
  4. Fixed to assert the R tautology. Odds are that numerous members of Congress have the long-rona. (Read some good news on the subject. (Some) folks are recovering from long covid).
  5. A tolerant society can not abide intolerance and remain a tolerant society. Amen, Kari Popper.
  6. These are the “waiting for them to choose a uniform” days, says Marc Maron.
  7. This belongs in here, imo. it is a great allegory as to why public schools are so important. Someone explain how vouchers can improve public schools to me, otherwise I am against them.
  8. Soros has prosecutor money, but not Dog the Bounty Hunter money, apparently. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/attorneys-for-man-shot-during-protest-in-kenosha-say-kyle-rittenhouse-is-evading-them
  9. His tiny meat hooks off that big pussy?
  10. Add it to the “Republicans are idiots to believe they vote for fiscal conservatives” file.
  11. Desantis didn’t go as far as the R base demands, I will point out. Those psychos want retribution when they believe you have called them racist. No fact necessary. The intermediary step will be making it actionable to point out someone”s vote tolerates racism.
  12. Never had heard the term “tankie” before today, nor met a left of center person who admires the governments of Russia or China. But, what I am curious about is the hacking of Moscow’s telephone network and the discovery of a “pem.” Anyone care to elaborate? What is that and what does its release portend?
  13. I’ll leave the genome sequencing to y’all multiple doctorate types, and the time line parsing to our other brainiacs, but will note the-sun.com has a “mixed” reputation for factual reporting, according to mediabiasfactcheck.
  14. This thread ought be the correct spot. Racists, and anti-semites: diseased fruit from a poisoned tree. Link has the story, along with a video, of the GDF (Goyim Defense.League) spewing hate outside a synagogue. https://forward.com/fast-forward/537336/orlando-chabad-harassed-by-antisemitic-hate-group/
  15. Japan promises to ‘lead the world’ in fighting Russian aggression with $5.5 billion in Ukraine aid https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/20/asia/japan-ukraine-war-aid-five-billion-intl-hnk/index.html
  16. Add this data to the reams of fact that belie Republican claims they vote for fiscal conservatives. They lie to themselves as easily as they lie to the rest of us.
  17. Here’s the sort of history that Rs don’t want US students to learn.
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