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Everything posted by SimkinsMan

  1. I have studied Oklahoma's roster carefully and after this meticulous research I can safely conclude that ou sucks.
  2. Asian vendors? Is she selling soy sauce holders for cars now too?
  3. PFT says agents are likely to sign top college players in the next 60 days, whether there's a fall season or not. “They’re gonna bail,” another unnamed agent told Standig. “I mean, I’m recruiting some high-end kids. I talked to probably four of them last night, and they all echoed the same thing. Like, they’re done. This is over.”
  4. This particularly astute piece of analysis comes from a gentleman who, earlier in this thread, proudly proclaimed in no uncertain terms there would be a regular season in 2020 with fans. You are an ass and your takes are shit.
  5. Here's one for the "Let the players have Covid-19 parties and get on with the season crowd" ... Should teams actively seek herd immunity from the coronavirus? https://sports.yahoo.com/should-teams-actively-seek-herd-immunity-from-the-coronavirus-234449908.html
  6. Texas set a record with nearly 7,000 cases today. Hospitalizations also recorded their biggest one-day jump. But it's cool right? Just media hype and those damned protests. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
  7. I'm hoping this is sarcasm. It's probably not. In which case you probably should consume less propaganda.
  8. Educate yourself. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83 The trends in Texas are bad: Hospitalizations way up, cases way up, and now the lagging indicator of deaths is trending up too.
  9. I'd bet against fans at games, at least in any kind of large numbers. And there's still a reasonable chance the CFB season is moved until the spring of 2021. This problem is not "going away," it's getting worse.
  10. The players are absolutely right on this, and Mike Gundy is a dumb ass if he thinks OAN is a refreshing source of news.
  11. It's unfortunate that COVID-19 has become so deeply partisan an issue. We could have addressed this situation with sensible policies, and establishing and enforcing norms like universal mask wearing inside businesses and other gathering places. But even that is too political in 2020. As a result, hospitalizations are rising across the state, and this wave is likely to crest later this summer or early fall -- at about the time football season starts. I have no idea whether that will lead to the cancellation or delay of the season, or no fans, or universal masks in the stands, or what. But it's difficult to see this being a "normal" season in any sense.
  12. I read the article in the paper and burst out laughing when I saw Randolph Duke cited as a source. Epic.
  13. Mercs and cubes make for a happy Chin pubes.
  14. Agreed, if ever there were a year to focus on Texas kids ... this is the year.
  15. Fuck Steve Patterson. Seriously, fuck that guy and his bullshit and asshole mentality.
  16. Saints helped shape accused clergy list, victim lawyers say
  17. Traffic on this thread is not going away. Thread title out front should've told ya.
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