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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MichaelDicksonFanClub

  1. https://247sports.com/Player/Devin-Richardson-46042086/
  2. Would he come in during the summer with the rest of this class?
  3. The recruit247 instagram page posted a screenshot of a message from Xavier saying he'd hit him up soon. So it sounds like he at least knows where he wants to go
  4. Josh Thompson posted on his Instagram story of him getting a shot somewhere in the UT facilities, caption was #1 so hoping this means the team was given the option for vaccines
  5. I like the preemptive placement in “non-Texas” recruiting
  6. USC insider with a confidence of 7 for Bryce Anderson to UT. He said something about two weeks ago on his instagram story about committing in two weeks
  7. Banks is liking tweets of him doing the horns down, would make a flip even better.
  8. Can vouch for UT’s bio program. Had kids crying during our O-chem 2 final. When applying to grad school the counselor at my new school said my 3.4 at UT was like a 3.8 from other Texas schools.
  9. “I hope Daddy Saban poaches all the sips recruits so he can continues to pile drive us” is one hell of a take
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