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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by swraith

  1. ^^ because that is how the legislative process works. Making sausage is messy. Amash would never get a committee to vote on this by itself.
  2. SP500 @ 3000 when? July 4th? Labor Day ?
  3. Seems like a quick sale
  4. She lasted longer than expected.
  5. That social contract fails if the population does not hold members of Congress accountable for failing to act. That is where we are today.
  6. There is only shame to be had on this topic. The fact that politicians can not be embarrassed by their positions on this topic reflect how much “noise” is in our daily lives. The electorate just doesn’t follow through and hold Congress accountable.
  7. Blackberries collected from last several days minus what I eat while picking.
  8. My St Augustine ( cultivar unknown) is really starting to thin out under the canopies of several of my mature pecan trees. As mentioned above, my primary suspect is too much shade. Wife doesn’t want the pecan trees thinned or limbed up, so I just put in 144 plugs of palmetto st Augustine. I put them in a range of conditions from almost full sun to full shade. We will see how it performs. Online, palmetto reads as being one of the better shade tolerant varieties.
  9. Some crazy fun is 78757. Neighbors Croos the street appear to have lost power. 1 lady sitting in her car in the driveway for the last 20 minutes
  10. Seems we are in bad news = rising stock market based on the belief the Fed will cut interest rates. Everybody is addicted to cheap credit.
  11. Southbound Mopac
  12. American society clearly worships at the alter of wealth. The means to obtaining that wealth appears immaterial at the point.
  13. Tomato from garden. Blackberries have been producing for a week. Getting my first blueberries.
  14. Reading the Q nonsense seems like a sure fire strategy to kill brain cells and lower your IQ
  15. ^^^ basically anything said in the past doesn’t have to be defended. Just evade. It’s all about winning today.
  16. ^^^ in bunker mode....keeping their powder dry for the democrat president...whenever that is It is all a show
  17. Right Trump got just shy of 4.7 million votes in TX in 2016. Hillary got just shy of 3.9 million votes in TX in 2016. Beto got 4.0 million in 2018 for Senate. Do we have evidence Trump would get less than 4.7 million in 2020? Seems to me Democrats still have a very high bar to clear to win TX in 2020.
  18. Trump is doing his best Señor Phlegm impersonation.
  19. ^^^ don’t think so. Too many republicans already don’t vote in their own self interest. Why would this be any different?
  20. Nothing like a natural hedge.
  21. Mcconnell has no problems today.
  22. Clearly this will help to continue to drive economic growth for years to come.
  23. Sp500 futures only down 20 points. Clearly no big deal if Americans pay 5 to 25% more for our limes and avocados.
  24. I don’t get the appeal of Kemah.
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