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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by swraith

  1. Uh, we do not need 3x nat gas production.
  2. if Texas farmers want to shift to energy leases, sounds great. If they want to keep rice farming, they should check out the research being done in Arkansas https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2024/07/17/ar-rice-growers-turn-to-zero-grade-farming-to-save-water
  3. I had been assuming that endorsement would come after the debate.
  4. I had to go down the rabbit hole to understand how a Navy Seal gets to $150 million. Bridger Aerospace - Wikipedia Of course he operated a company, whose revenue is tied to government contracts, which went public via a SPAC, and the company has been consistently unprofitable.
  5. Terrible to hear about the struggles that Cubans are experiencing on the island.
  6. Kid’s soccer practice was canceled because of a few rain drops today. Practice would have been pleasant today. However last week, when it’s 107+, practice was still held. Just ridiculous.
  7. Total drivel. RFK Jr please exit stage left already.
  8. Anyone have insight into why 2 of the betting markets have a divergence? Polymarket | Presidential Election Winner 2024 vs 2024 Presidential Election Predictions & Odds | Who will be the next president? (predictit.org)
  9. I wonder how this plays with Tester's campaign.
  10. Good ad by Goodman. I’m under the assumption that Hawley still has a lock on that Missouri seat.
  11. What is a victory chair?
  12. I'm not arguing Austin Energy is bad or a drag. Net net its good for CoA budget. I'm arguing it is silly to compare CoA budget with CoD budget.
  13. Yes, there are all kinds of interesting battery concepts on the horizon. It will be interesting to see which ones make it to market and thrive. Here are two podcasts doing deep dives on two different battery concepts. A super-battery aimed at decarbonizing industry (volts.wtf) Why electrifying industrial heat is such a big deal (volts.wtf)
  14. 2024-25 Proposed Budget Infographic is directly from the budget. Austin Energy alone, 29%, represents $1.7 billion. City of Dallas doesn't operate its own electric utility. Dallas is deregulated. That alone makes the Dallas headline comparison garbage. The interview totally whiffed on this fact. City should look to constrain spending where possible. Nobody wants to defend an almost $6 billion budget.
  15. If summers were like the July 2024 we just had, I wouldn't bitch nearly as much about living here. However, August 2024 is reminding me of just how terrible the summer of 2023 was.
  16. The growth of solar generation in ERCOT over the past couple of years has been truly astounding. "Peak" load in the afternoon has already hit a point of less concern than in prior years. This is ERCOT load curve for 8/18/2024. (credit goes to www.gridstatus.io for graph) Blue line is classic load shape. That 4pm peak in the summer, was for decades, our concern for "running out" of generation during peak usage. Green line is net load, so load minus wind and solar generation. 4pm is no longer the concern in the summer. We are approaching a point where we are not supply constrained for thermal generation at 4pm. The concern is shifting to sunset (post 7pm in summer) when solar starts to fade off. As batteries continue to fill in that evening peak, the grid is going to continue to evolve.
  17. As long as Maduro maintains support/control of the Venezuelan military, I don’t see why he would leave power.
  18. I just have a bad feeling about debating Trump. He is a comedian/entertainer. Not a high school debate club style debate. I don't know what a win for Harris looks like at a debate. Is there a debate that changes peoples votes, in the 7 swing states, in her favor?
  19. ^^are the 12.5k distributed globally or concentrated in the Round Rock area?
  20. Anyone hearing news from the inside regarding the next round of layoffs at Dell? I haven't gotten much information from friends working there. Sounds like they don't know much yet. Dell Makes Cuts to Boost AI Pivot, Reportedly Laying Off 12,500 Employees | PCMag
  21. Why not put that tweet out two weeks ago?
  22. I'm still on the train of thought of "do no harm" with the VP pick. Keep the positive vibes going. Get a positive convention bump. Walz seems to meet that threshold. I do not hear any negative oppo about him.
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