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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by swraith

  1. the Rivian valuation/market cap is mind blowing
  2. If you want to improve Nuclear....you have to fix the current version of nuclear. https://www.utilitydive.com/news/georgia-powers-vogtle-doubles-original-cost-amid-further-delay/609538/ or you need a huge change in nuclear technology that shakes up the NRC.
  3. WTI having an ugly day.
  4. Good buying opportunity at a lower cost basis for those stocks
  5. It would seem the Roberts court gives zero fucks about gerrymandered districts, racial bias or not.
  6. And Cox continues to have his job today?
  7. Thanks for this. Appears I'm going to be moving from district 10 to district 37. Goodbye McCaul...you fuckstick.
  8. From the article...this seems like a great way to select the Board. Another draft document outlines a potential fundraising strategy for the institute that would require a $1 million minimum gift to be on the board.
  9. sigh tried to use the new TxTag website have to update my account login it says no account is associated with my email address alternative login via account # and pin....got no clue what my TxTag account # is
  10. I'm in Denver right now. Air quality last week was horrible. Couldn't see the downtown skyline. Couldn't see the front range mountains. The air smelled and tasted of smoke.
  11. ^^^ Does the above list mean that Leander, Cedar Park, Pluggerville, Round Rock ISD are all proceeding without mask mandates? Do the north Austin suburbs suck that much ?
  12. PT is recommending acute inpatient rehab. Multiple facility options here in Denver that are directly connected with hospital. I have asked the case worker to also contact the Central Texas Rehab Hospital as a referral to see if they will review her file. The main barrier to Austin is transport. She is far from ready for commercial transport. Private medical transport is $$$$$. I also left message with Stokes office attempting to make contact. Trying to determine if we should do rehab here with extended stay in Denver vs return to Austin for rehab. Kids, school starting in August, various support networks in the 2 cities make it complicated to figure out.
  13. @Doc Holliday Thanks for the pointers on TXOrtho and commenting on Stokes. @Lobo Thanks for the tip on Dr Stokes. Sounds like I need to make contact with his office though I'm unclear where he is working. @DalTxHornFan Thanks for the tip on Dr Stovall Surgery is done and a success in surgeon's eyes. He confirmed I need to find an Austin doctor long term to monitor wife's recovery once we return to Austin. Her L3 was a severe burst fracture. Due to other complications and pre-existing conditions her entire spine is now fused. So that is going to be a bitch. But she should be able to walk with a great amount of PT.
  14. I don’t post much but am searching far and wide for help. My wife was in a hiking accident yesterday and was helicoptered to a Denver hospital. She is getting spinal fusion surgery and a rod extension for broken/fractured lower vertebrae. I don’t have the actual diagnosis yet as she went from ER to surgery in a little over 12 hours. I have zero concrete idea what recovery and PT will be like but my understanding is that it will be really rough. At some point my wife will be stable and recovered enough to return to Austin. How she will get to Austin…I have no idea yet. I am assuming she is going to need a specialist doctor once she returns to Austin. I don’t know if she will need an orthopedic or neuro doc. Her surgeon today is a neurosurgeon doing the spinal fusion. So anybody have recommendations on the best spine doctors in Austin for follow up on two spinal fusion surgeries along with spinal rods attached to the spine? Also looking for PT recommendations with a spine focus. Appreciate any leads to help us move along once we get back to Austin whenever that is.
  15. If you are behind, doesn’t the sale price just need to be sufficient to meet the payoff…including whatever they are behind on? If the sales price is below the amount needed, that would be a blocker as they likely would not have cash. The mortgage holder would seem to prefer the home sold and loan paid off vs the expenses of foreclosure.
  16. Won't Republican legislators just leave town until the Democrats return or time runs out on the special session? Why would they need to stay in Austin?
  17. anyone care to forecast how this plays out? Texas R's will just make news headlines. Texas D's staying in D.C. until end of this special session. Do the Texas D's have the fortitude for such an undertaking? Then does Abbot just call another special session and we start all over?
  18. This is us. And we are not going back.
  19. It is going to be a great summer to not be in Texas
  20. Estes Park hit 90 degrees today.
  21. i'm sure you neighbors would love you if you tried
  22. Any of you want to claim this pool? (hoping this wasn't posted previously upthread). 25 Meter (Short Course) Backyard Lap Pool Construction Timelapse
  23. With the pipeline restarting, hope the people in those photos enjoy sitting on their stockpiles of gasoline.
  24. Wonder if that gets torn down for a new build on that nice corner lot.
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