I’ve said it many times. There are only 3 types of Trump supporters: 1) wealthy folks that will do anything to get more money, like Elon; 2) completely uninformed people who fell for all the propaganda, or just don’t pay attention, and that includes conservatives, religious right Christians who are basically hypocrites, and others who think he’s good for them when he’s just a crook, traitor, grifter, convict, etc; and 3) racists.
He suddenly popped up with #3 to go with #2. It’s gotten to the point that given that, it’s become very difficult to show these people patience and niceness. After all, they are supporting a candidate who preaches hate and lies every time he opens his mouth and his followers now demonstrate the same behavior. At some point you have to ask the question, “why treat them with respect when they don’t practice it or earn it?”
People accepting this behavior is what will destroy this country.