I believe a very significant percentage of Trump supporters also believe this. As a thought experiment, I would ask you to step back and think about a “what if” scenario. I’m curious about your thoughts on it. Here is the scenario.
We’ve all seen people get fooled by dishonest people. The elderly get scammed. Scientology draws people into their cult and then fleeces them of their money. Bernie Madoff steals people’s life savings. In all of these stories, the people scammed talk about how they didn’t realize that the people were lying to them and that they were dishonest.
Now let’s look at Trump. Virtually every word out of his mouth is a lie. That’s been documented extensively. Also documented extensively are multiple convictions, shady dealings with Russia, self enrichment via Saudi Arabia, stealing top secret documents for presumably self enrichment, being deemed unfit for office by his entire administration, etc.
Even if you don’t believe some of these facts, there is more than enough evidence out there that he’s a complete liar and grifter. The evidence is just overwhelming.
So given this, how can you believe anything he says, much less that he wants to help America? Because it’s obvious to over 50% of this country that he doesn’t. How do you square your view with this? More specifically, you know he lies, so how can you trust anything a liar says? I don’t get it.
You aren’t alone. Upwards of 25-30%+ of the country is right there with you (the other 20-30% knows he’s a grifter but want tax cuts or abortions bans, etc). I’m very interested in your thought process on this.