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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Yes. The Mavs had great success rotating in three bigs during the year. However I still wouldn’t want Sarr as that rotation guy.
  2. “How can I try to justify outrageous government spending and deficit behavior by arguing that it hasn’t yet destroyed another country’s entire economic foundation” - washparkhorn. Your blatherings really are an embarrassment. There is zero justification for the way our government (Congress and executive branch) is operating. They aren’t using monetary policy to smooth out downturns. They are mortgaging our future for personal financial gain. Your viewpoint is really ridiculous.
  3. You’ve made multiple anti-police posts. I understand your frustration. There are a lot of cops who are mental midgets, and historically there have been a lot of questionable incidents. And in this case it appears we have a Barney Fife doing stupid shit, and it’s infuriating. But to make all-encompassing statements that all cops suck is stupid and immature. There are a lot of good cops who try to do the right thing, and the bullshit they have to put up with all the time is incredible. Try to have a more mature perspective and stop being a reactive immature dumbass.
  4. This is a terrific example of a knowledgeable person not being able to see the forest for the trees. We all read about academics with no common sense and here is a great example. Yes, you are technically correct. The government can avoid default by just printing money. But that’s not the point, obviously. The point is that the inflation risk produced by out of control deficits threatens the entire system. There are many reasons Japan hasn’t imploded. The US is not Japan. And oh by the way they’ve had a pretty miserable 20-30 years anyway.
  5. This thread is the best of surly. I’ve been cracking up going thru the posts. Great content.
  6. Is this someone from another school or the currently committed class?
  7. Your continued defense of indefensible deficits using that big brain of yours is one of the great mysteries of surly.
  8. Elko was on the Ticket. He wasn’t bad. He talked about going to Penn and whether to go into coaching or investment banking. That was interesting. He’s no dummy, despite the fact he looks like one. A lot of talk about blue collar and how there’s too much focus on stars. It will be fascinating to see how A&M does this year.
  9. I’m dead serious. I have the deck and CTJ and Sydney saw it. Even the funds requested are the same.
  10. What’s the story with Jackson? His offer list is very weak, and I believe CTJ said Texas would have their pick at OL this recruiting cycle. I wonder what they see in him that others don’t. Also, is anyone knowledgeable about how OU recruits OL? Despite the coaching changes over the years, they seem to always have a guy or two drafted. In the back of my mind, I vaguely remember them taking primarily tackles and turning them into interior lineman but I may be thinking of some other program.
  11. Uh no. Not even in the same universe. Worst movie comparison I’ve ever seen in print.
  12. It’s just amazing how every one of those rubes constantly over-rates their own program and situation, and bashes Texas no matter what. Like clockwork. That inferiority complex is so consistent.
  13. What the hell did I just watch. That was terrible. But at least there were fifty thousand famous actors in it. That made it at least watchable.
  14. Wow. This says a lot. He had to drop down to a middling school of no significance
  15. Eff that. Two starters. The current starting lineup produced one of the worst records in the league and these are top 10 picks.
  16. Can someone explain how the spurs got 4 and 8? Was the 4 due to their record and the 8 from Toronto?
  17. Watched the Star Trek reboot with Chris Pine again. That entire cast was selected perfectly.
  18. This team has a lot of depth. Big positive. This team lost a lot of high end NFL talent. Negative. This team has a pretty rough SEC schedule with tough out of conference game, but not too tough. Negative. This team has a very experienced QB but he’s underachieved a bit so far. Net positive. Could be 8-4 to 11-1. I’ll take 8-4 because we can’t have nice things.
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