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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. What’s the story with Harwell?
  2. It’s weird not being able to type in a channel on the remote. There is no one step way to get to a channel in yttv.
  3. I knew asu had ex Texas players. I didn’t realize they had so many. Prince Dorbah!
  4. Can you not select your own channels for multi view?
  5. Just be aware that to get that $30 credit they are slipping in a bunch of new terms and conditions like arbitration. I’m suspicious. Vixtory+. It’s out. Stars are in it. Mavs are still negotiating. We are about to do the same. The remote for yttv so far is suboptimal.
  6. So I’m trying out YTTV via both Roku and LGTV. The remotes and navigation is a bit awkward as compared to Uverse. I have a dumb question. With Uverse, because the channels are numbered, if I want to go to a high numbered channel that is far down the list I just type in the channel nimber. Since YTTV doesn’t have channel numbers, is there no way to quickly go to a channel way down the list of channels in one step, like I can with Uverse?
  7. I joined a bunch of Reddit conservative and Republican forums under a new user name. I wanted to see how these people are thinking now that the evidence is becoming overwhelming that Trump is unfit to be President. I’m happy to report that they are not as dumb as before. Unfortunately, they are dumber. For every single crazy thing he said, they’ve posted crazy news stories from propaganda websites that double down on the crazy. I’m sure many of those sources are North Korean, Russian and China sites. It depressing as hell that there are so many dumb people.
  8. A trained monkey could manage the revolutionary products created by Jobs leadership that are responsible for almost all of the revenue and profits of this company. Cook has been a bus driver of one of the greatest sets of product innovations in history. Those products are nothing but derivative products that have decimal points of business impact. Nothing burgers that are wholly dependent upon the iPhone for their success. Let’s see if his almost meaningless tenure turns around with some sort of revolutionary AI product or something else of significance. He still has some time.
  9. The day I decided to stop reading the game thread during the games was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
  10. Tim Cook has been riding Job’s innovations for his entire CEO tenure. I have spoken.
  11. I wish people would stop buying his cars. If not for the future of our democracy, how about just for the outrageous compensation package he got.
  12. KLBJ is the one of the biggest propaganda sources I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s pretty much the Rush Limbaugh of Austin. And they get these old callers calling in who have been completely fooled into believing they are hearing facts. It’s so sad.
  13. After listening to that babbling moronic Trump, it’s stunning that there are still so many idiots like this person above. The number and percentage of idiots in this country who can’t even process basic information is about an order of magnitude higher than I ever would have guessed. It really is shocking how many dumb gullible people are out there.
  14. So my wife made an interesting comment. She noticed that Trump never looked at Harris. She felt that was deeply offensive and felt women would subconsciously not like that one bit.
  15. I’m enraged the moderators keep giving Trump the last word on every issue.
  16. We arent talking about confusion. We’re talking about unnecessary use of force. And when the news comes out about the investigation on this, you’re going to be embarrassed at what you’ve written.
  17. We have an exciting, electric real estate thread, but no, not a boring one. I bet there’s .5-.75% that does, and that will matter.
  18. Harris should destroy Trump tonight, but of course Fox News will declare victory no matter what. In my opinion the two demographics she has to capture and hold onto are midrange aged men and women who are politically in the middle and bounce back and forth between parties. For those folks, when she goes on the attack it should be very effective. But with the world the way it is, even today, she has to guard against being so aggressive that somehow the script gets flipped and she comes across as a shrieking liberal and he gets a small amount of sympathy. I’m confident she will strike the right balance, because so far her campaign has.
  19. They can do that. Many other things they did during the stop violate procedure. That’s the issue you aren’t comprehending. Also, it’s quite reasonable to criticize the officer’s actions but still have no sympathy for Hill, who FAFO’d, due to his disrespectful behavior. He definitely was also at fault. The problem is that the officer is trained to handle those situations and handled it outside of procedures. And just a reminder to those unaware, my company would research and provide body cam and dashcam video to police departments for internal officer investigations of officer violations. I’m not just talking out of my ass.
  20. The people here saying all cops are bad are just as stupid as the ones saying that the officers actions were justified. But, all of you keyboard warriors who believe the officer’s actions were justified need to step back and examine your own world view. It’s incredibly biased and uninformed. And it’s because you haven’t personally experienced it. Hence you are uninformed. You are not demonstrating any ability to distinguish the appropriate response levels by the officers to the behaviors of Hill and the other guy. Choppers horseshit insistence that the officers legally can take the action they took is flat wrong. There is a conduct and procedures manual every one of these officers must follow. These officers violated those procedures. Period. Edit: I’ll add one comment. I personally don’t like how people are disrespectful to officers. I think it’s terrible. But it’s not illegal. If you don’t want people acting that way with officers pass a law covering disrespectful and other behaviors that place the officer at risk. Then the officer’s actions might be justified.
  21. It’s nice to see there is only one poster on this thread with a moronic viewpoint.
  22. Your interpretation of this video exposes that you have a naive and misguided perspective, most likely shaped by the fact that you haven’t been on the receiving end of officer misconduct and/or are white. Because if you had experienced it, this video would show exactly how they escalate inappropriately on purpose.
  23. I’ll admit that given Hill’s reputation I was expecting some justification for the officer’s actions. But nope. Just like cops have been doing for 50 years, their trick is to just yell “stop resisting” while they forcibly take you to the ground while you were attempting to comply with their directive. It is a taught technique and I was once on the receiving end of that bullshit. I would like to see this bullshit training exposed once and for all. By definition, it is IMPOSSIBLE to comply with an officers directive if they’ve already starting pulling you down to the ground. They purposely don’t give you any time at all to respond to the directive. Sue the fucks.
  24. And while we are on the subject what the hell with not getting the backup punter some reps. Unforgivable coaching mistakes.
  25. Texas 48 UTSA 10 passing yards Ewers,Arch, other 383 total 235/148/0
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