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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Not a surprise. He has zero coaching experience. Only sign stealing.
  2. 2-0! Obviously Sark should have jettisoned Ewers and Manning and kept Murphy.
  3. Is there much 4k available on YTTV sports ?
  4. This is ridiculous. He didn’t recruit this well at Texas. Wtf!
  5. Wow, you got a notification? I just opened up my bill and AT&T had increased it $40 hoping I wouldn’t notice. Fuck them.
  6. Is there a way to get espn other than signing up for fubo or YTTV? Can you sign up for the Disney, Hulu espn bundle?
  7. FYI, Checked Max and did not see any TBS, TNT, or TruTV live shows there. I did see Food Network shows on demand.
  8. Get the political shit out of this thread right this moment or I will have Imammac deputize me and I will go Barney Fife on all of you.
  9. Going for a half and then bailing?
  10. Maybe “special” means the other type of “special”.
  11. Whenever something gets complex to understand, there’s a good chance it’s a way for the provider to make more money in fees and the investor to make less money in returns. Not always, but often.
  12. So I watched the Netflix special on Michigan cheating. Good watch. The school was definitely complicit with the guy cheating. Someone, a booster, was paying for people to go to games and film signals for all future opponents. They’ve been doing it just about as long as Michigan has gotten good again. Hmmmm. What a coincidence. The piece of shit doing it tried to make himself look innocent but he was without question guilty. He had a very very sophisticated stealing system he had developed himself. Smart kid who went to the Naval Academy. Interestingly he joined the Michigan staff as a volunteer and brought signal stealing in with him from Navy. 90% of schools have people who try to steal signals, legally. However espn believes there are five schools that have been doing it illegally including Michigan , Utah, and Clemson. They didn’t name the other two. Bottom line is that a significant part of their success over the last two plus years came from stealing signs illegally. Are they still good? Of course. But the stealing may have given them that final edge. Finally, I laughed my ass off when espn revealed that it was the Surly of Ohio State message board that investigated and caught Michigan, along with an PI likely hired by Day, and blew the case wide open for the NCAA.
  13. So I finished the Netflix special on the Michigan sign stealing scandal. They are guilty as fuck, with zero remorse. What’s also interesting is that they just squeaked by Maryland, Ohio State and Alabama after the scandal was exposed. Stealing signs was a significant component to their winning.
  14. In the day, family always finished our trips back from Houston at the Sambos on Anderson. How that place existed - I have no idea - but I loved the cartoonish/late night breakfast experience. That’s the one I worked at. And where I met all the Yellow Rose dancers working the night shift.
  15. I think the biggest question with Michigan is the extent to which their rampant cheating gave them unfair advantages over other teams. They were obviously still very good, because they still won after the scandal was exposed. However the Netflix special on it supposedly shows cheating so sophisticated and broad that they were able to call the exact plays of opponents before every snap. Without those cheating mf’rs having that to fall back on, maybe they lose quite a bit this year, including this week. Eff the cheaters.
  16. Same, except Uverse. Can’t go back once you leave because the service is in the process of shutting down over the next few years.
  17. Back in the day I was a waiter at Sambos in Austin, which changed its name to Seasons in order to be, you know, way less racist. We scoffed at Waffle House, in terms of being wheels off. Sambos was a spectacular train wreck in a class of its own.
  18. Live sports is the key. Astros, Rangers, NBA teams, etc. it depends on where you live, which teams and sports you need. This thread covers some of the trade offs. Fubo could be an excellent choice if live sports is key.
  19. Christ don’t make it paid. Immamac will hire hit men to knock everybody off.
  20. Depends on what you watch, but in general you can save some money going to YTTV. You just will likely give up a few things that might or might not be important to you. Write down what you watch, what you could give up, and see if YTTV has it. Fill in with Max at $15, and/ or Ballys at $20.
  21. Other posters offered helpful thoughts about how to save money. You went red zone and started calling people stupid, when they’ve explained to you multiple times that the services you describe aren’t the same as what they get today and want. Those features or services may not be important to you, but they are to other people. For some people $20, $50, $100 a month is a decimal point. Just because that amount of money is important enough to you to give up services, it may not be to someone else and doesn’t justify you calling people stupid. Fuck off
  22. Let’s review. You started all this by calling everyone an idiot for not doing what you did. Then when I showed you in multiple posts that not everyone saves much money, you switched from calling everyone an idiot to saying you were saving money, and insulted me. Everyone wouldn’t know how poor you are right now if you’d just been a little nicer to everyone in this thread. So sad. It’s a lesson I’m sure you’ll take with you.
  23. Sorry you are poor and $40 per month is the difference between you eating or not.
  24. This is nonsense. Not worth trying to help you understand.
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