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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. I’ve spent the last several days totally lost until I just saw this post. I have the Olympic app and while it shows the US events, it doesn’t show tv coverage. I kept thinking NBC would be the “hub” of Olympic coverage, providing summaries of what is happening at the moment in different sports, and clarifying channel coverage, but for the most part they just cover events like every other channel. I kept missing stuff like golf. I had no idea it was on the golf channel.
  2. IMO none of the VP choices are ideal, except for Whitmer and she isn’t in play. I still think they should figure out a way to get her on the ticket. I don’t believe the theory that it has to be a white man, but I could be wrong.
  3. Such a stupid trade.
  4. Taaffe with a Lambo?
  5. It’s not the ads, it’s the intrusiveness of the ads. It just makes someone want to immediately leave.
  6. The top ad front and center was not dismissable. There was no x to hit. And what about the ad that flew in to cover almost the entire screen? That’s acceptable?
  7. Okay, I logged out and looked at the site. Below is a perspective that is broader than just this Business question, but it’s because I believe we are asking the wrong question. My comments are harsh but I’m trying to provide a perspective of a new internet roamer, not me as a registered user. 1. The ads are slightly better than a few weeks ago when I was logged out, but as you can see above fuck that abusive shit. Not only do the ads cover the whole pages in some cases, I wasn’t able to shut the window sitting front and center top. And every few scrolls resulted in a complete failure to load the page. Sometimes it came back and sometime I just went into failure to load. Unregistered users will see this and keep on scrolling past the site because it’s just too abusive and frustrating. 2. While I agree that this issue isn’t specifically relevant to the Business forum, I believe the better question to ask is why isn’t the site growing more, with more content in many forums. A lot of the forums are stale, not just Business. It’s because the established users of the site have their favorite forums and that’s where they focus. You want more traffic in other forums, get more users with other interests. 3. What would help is a front and center message to unregistered users that makes it easy to see that they can avoid ads and have other benefits for registering, like not having to remember where you stopped reading a thread, etc. 4. Of course fewer ads means less revenue, but maybe there is a way to get better ads that produce more click through or as you discussed before, make them sponsored ads instead of google ads. The business section (investments) in particular would potentially be attractive. Trey’s firm might even sponsor it. A good customer experience is the first rule of getting customers, keeping customers, and increasing usage. There are certain websites I refuse to visit, like Forbes, because the ads are so intrusive and technically screwing up the page loads.
  8. Hmm. Maybe last week something weird was going on. There were pop up ads all over the site.
  9. I’ll restate what I said elsewhere. People who run across surly and haven’t yet set up an account see ad aids everywhere. How in that scenario would any roamer stop at surly and invest enough time to learn about the site and eventually login to get rid of the excess of popup ads? The site growth is being inhibited.
  10. @chainsaw is killing my independent buzz.
  11. When we were picking GPU’s a few years ago for early video AI applications, we briefly entertained Intel’s solution. Also, my neighbor works on the GPU chips for AMD. Both our engineers and the AMD guy said the same thing. While the hardware is good enough to compete with nVidia, Intel is way too behind on the software toolsets to ever be a factor in the next five to ten years. But, will they go out of business or decline severely? Doubtful, the US government is doing and will do whatever it takes to keep them alive and healthy because the invasion of Taiwan is now in sight.
  12. Remember this sage advice. Doubling, tripling or quadrupling down on an idiotic viewpoint only works if you are saying it to people who are too idiotic to realize it.
  13. You reminded me of a story I had completely forgotten about. In the 1990’s, I was a product line director for a company that provided the pcs/cellular network infrastructure for the whole country of Colombia, all 3 cellular carriers. One day I was sitting in my cushy Dallas office and we got a phone call from one of my installation crews in Colombia. With gunfire in the background they explained to us that the Colombian government was in a gunfight with one of the cartels at the base of a cell tower under construction. One of our guys was up there installing cable and was stuck. I think he’d already been up there something like 15 hours. They asked us what to do. I was not particularly helpful, but eventually the battle died down and the guy finally was able to climb down the tower. That was an insane time period. Eventually they wouldn’t even let me or other Americans in the company go into Colombia for awhile because it was so dangerous.
  14. I just don’t know how this problem gets solved. They just kill anyone who tries to solve it. This is a situation where I wonder whether a Democracy with moral standards and laws can deal with this sort of stuff (not referring to Mexico). It’s almost like a Dictator needs to take paramilitary and special forces and just wipe them all out. Otherwise they will continue to rule the country.
  15. It is amazing to see idiotic Trump supporters take every dumb thing that the orange idiot says and somehow try to figure out how to rationalize it. I never really realized there are that many mid to older age white male morons out there. They have no critical thinking or analytical skills whatsoever, yet in their minds everyone else are “sheep”. It’s just incomprehensible to me.
  16. Sonic has been garbage for years, with about 3,000 mg of salt in a burger. I’m skeptical of these new claims.
  17. Thank you chainsaw for providing your perspective on the dangers of scaring away progressives by focusing on issues where Harris is seen as weak. I’ve had a few more hours to contemplate your perspective and I’m happy to report that I have now changed my views. Whereas before I felt like any progressive that fails to vote is in some ways dumber than magas, I am now certain that they would be dumber than magas. Harris, as Republican point out, has the most liberal voting record in all of Congress. If THAT still isn’t good enough for progressives, then they should all just pack up and move to a socialist country. And her spending just a bit of time to counterbalance that Republican talking point is hugely valuable to bringing in independents and the few unsatisfied republicans that are out there claiming they will vote Democrat. Your entire premise is thusly rejected.
  18. If progressives decide to not vote in this election because of their outrage over any issue, then in many ways they are dumber than MAGAs.
  19. I hope he doesn’t drop Vance because he will pick up Haley and that will cost Democrats a few votes from right leaning independents who right now are going with Harris. I don’t think the impact will be huge, but 1% is critical.
  20. Why are people talking about Lockett? I thought that recruitment went south.
  21. I’ve gotten to the point over the last few years where I stopped paying close attention to personnel on the Astros. This trade looks terrible for the Astros. I’ve read in here that they’ve also made several other really bad moves. What are the worst ones? Because I was always under the impression that they had to lose several guys after winning the title because of skyrocketing salaries. Was it more than that?
  22. There is something that I never thought I’d see on my bingo card: a viewpoint from John Bolton that I liked.
  23. Oh excellent thank you for this. Anyway, what does brat mean?
  24. Picking Petefor VP is a high risk high reward option. I think Pete is the best politician out there right now, but I don’t know how much him being gay hurts the vote, vs how good of a communicator he is helps the vote.
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