I presume a lot, if not most, Trump voters were focused on inflation. This thread will be epic, considering:
1. Trump caused the inflation in the first place with a massive stimulus bill with trillions of corporate direct giveaways of money.
2. Tariffs are one of the most anti-Republican ideas ever, and if he follows through, inflation will move up substantially.
3. He will ignore the national debt, which happens to be one of our most serious issues, which will of course cause inflation to move upward. That also goes against Republican ideals (eventhough they run up as bad or worse deficits than Democrats).
4. The Union people that voted for Trump will soon find out about Reagan-style union busting; If Boeing could have held out for a few months Trump would have figured out how to bust up that strike somehow. The Union people are probably the dumbest Trump voters, which is quite a badge of honor.
5. People complain about the cost of housing. A good part of that is the incredible concentration of wealth in the hands of the ultra-wealthy who are basically buying up real estate all over the country. Trump exacerbates that issue. He won't do anything about it. He also won't help young buyers, many of which were dumb enough to vote for him.
6. The Trump/Republican plans to stop pursuing anti-trust against the mega-cap tech companies will make inflation worse because they have unrestricted power to raise prices. In fact, the reduced regulation in general will increase inflation. But, you say, won't the improved corporate efficiency lead to lower prices? In a competitive market, yes. But we have too many companies with monopoly or oligopoly power. Just a few here for everyone to think about: cell phone bills, insurance, cloud services, etc. Now to be fair to any President, it's a tough problem to solve. Because you don't want to hamstring your US companies against global competitors. As a result, you need to have a coordinated strategy among countries to reign in monopolies and oligopolies. No one on the planet will work with Trump since they all believe he is a buffoon. So that isn't a strategy for them.
7. The deportations and stricter immigration limits will cause services costs to jump up substantially, further fueling inflation.
Now, if he does a 180 degree turn and really cuts government spending, doesn't implement tariffs, doesn't restrict immigration too tightly, etc. then maybe the low inflation we have today will hold. And maybe even there could be some decent results overall. But he's driven by crowds liking him, not knowledge or ideals. And he's a complete moron who has full control over his entire party, so no one will be able to stop him from doing anything he wants. This is not a formula for success.
There is a very good chance that in 4 years people are crushed by spiraling inflation, walking around in a daze wondering how it possibly could have gotten worse. Meanwhile wealth inequality will be even worse.