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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. I spent three hours talking with the Hispanic owner of a Fiber installation company one day. He had fascinating stories about the difficulties of the different nationalities working together. The Mexicans were a pain in the ass to the central and south Americans for sure. He preferred hiring them over Mexicans.
  2. The chicken fried steak coating came out soggy not crispy. I’m perplexed. Flour egg wash flour.
  3. Top three teams likely have the strongest nil programs?
  4. There was a movie in the 1970’s, I think called Frogs, where people get overrun by Frogs. I had nightmares for awhile after that one.
  5. Yes. He continues to struggle with pocket poise a bit. Sometimes he gets rid of it too early. Sometimes it seems like he passes up an open receiver and then throws it too late after the internal clock should have gone off. Just a bit weird timing. When he’s not pressured, he’s pretty good at finding the open receiver, obviously.
  6. Simmons was a really high profile recruit, has played great as a freshman. But man he’s not very big. I don’t know how he will be able to handle bigger fast tackles.
  7. I’m down to my last rung of support for Ewers. update: reverse psychology worked perfectly.
  8. Even more evidence that the dumbest people selected our President.
  9. This is so so sweet, and perfect for this thread. Dumb boomers (and others) actually believed the Trump commercials that claimed Harris was going to cut Social Security while Trump would preserve it. One of the biggest lies of the entire campaign. Social security must be reformed, and we all know who will cut deeper in favor of more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. What's awesome about this one is that it directly effects boomers who voted for Trump. Most boomers assumed he would screw only the rest of us who haven't reached social security age yet. It's nice to see them get torched right away. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/11/08/republicans-block-bipartisan-bill-social-security/76127806007/
  10. Can we purchase there tomorrow am? I also need to figure out where to park.
  11. I presume a lot, if not most, Trump voters were focused on inflation. This thread will be epic, considering: 1. Trump caused the inflation in the first place with a massive stimulus bill with trillions of corporate direct giveaways of money. 2. Tariffs are one of the most anti-Republican ideas ever, and if he follows through, inflation will move up substantially. 3. He will ignore the national debt, which happens to be one of our most serious issues, which will of course cause inflation to move upward. That also goes against Republican ideals (eventhough they run up as bad or worse deficits than Democrats). 4. The Union people that voted for Trump will soon find out about Reagan-style union busting; If Boeing could have held out for a few months Trump would have figured out how to bust up that strike somehow. The Union people are probably the dumbest Trump voters, which is quite a badge of honor. 5. People complain about the cost of housing. A good part of that is the incredible concentration of wealth in the hands of the ultra-wealthy who are basically buying up real estate all over the country. Trump exacerbates that issue. He won't do anything about it. He also won't help young buyers, many of which were dumb enough to vote for him. 6. The Trump/Republican plans to stop pursuing anti-trust against the mega-cap tech companies will make inflation worse because they have unrestricted power to raise prices. In fact, the reduced regulation in general will increase inflation. But, you say, won't the improved corporate efficiency lead to lower prices? In a competitive market, yes. But we have too many companies with monopoly or oligopoly power. Just a few here for everyone to think about: cell phone bills, insurance, cloud services, etc. Now to be fair to any President, it's a tough problem to solve. Because you don't want to hamstring your US companies against global competitors. As a result, you need to have a coordinated strategy among countries to reign in monopolies and oligopolies. No one on the planet will work with Trump since they all believe he is a buffoon. So that isn't a strategy for them. 7. The deportations and stricter immigration limits will cause services costs to jump up substantially, further fueling inflation. Now, if he does a 180 degree turn and really cuts government spending, doesn't implement tariffs, doesn't restrict immigration too tightly, etc. then maybe the low inflation we have today will hold. And maybe even there could be some decent results overall. But he's driven by crowds liking him, not knowledge or ideals. And he's a complete moron who has full control over his entire party, so no one will be able to stop him from doing anything he wants. This is not a formula for success. There is a very good chance that in 4 years people are crushed by spiraling inflation, walking around in a daze wondering how it possibly could have gotten worse. Meanwhile wealth inequality will be even worse.
  12. Happened to listen to The Invasion a few days for significant portions of their show. Man, they just beat the Cowboys topic to death. It’s just endless boring Cowboys talk. Some is fine, but it’s endless. I hate that show now.
  13. So is there a tailgate tomorrow? Our Florida friends are in town but decided to not get tickets. Is the Surly tailgate an option for the four of us to tailgate and watch the game? I forget the cost.
  14. Do you have some sort of inside the program insight or just talking out of your ass? While he has dropped a few passes in games we haven’t seen enough of him on the field to indicate whether he’s improved his hands or not.
  15. The faster people recognize the genius of George Carlin, the faster we the people all come together and focus our energy on the real enemy. In the meantime,I’ll have to figure out healthcare after the Republicans torpedo it, but I’ll be fine compared to most others. People’s apathy and misdirected beliefs are gonna make their lives pretty shitty in the future. Oh well. Anyway…
  16. Didnt he also have significant NIL? I hate that it didn’t work out for a promising 5 star. He might do well elsewhere.
  17. There have been countless examples at Texas of guys who were magnets for other recruits to a program, who then transferred out later. It’s almost like their personalities were great for attracting people, but also volatile for dealing with adversity. And every college player faces adversity during their career.
  18. I knew the Cook stuff was coming. He had disappeared and was obviously unhappy with the situation.
  19. So the Republican party and President-Elect says nutty stuff on a daily basis multiple times a day, and finally the Democrats have to start pushing back with their own alarmist language because people are so stupid they were believing all of the Republican Trump idiocy in the first place. . That’s why we are where we are. The serial liars are now complaining that the other side is also lying. That’s a rich perspective. In a side by side comparison the level of Trumps lying is 1000x Harris and the Democrats. That’s a fact. There are over 50,000 documented lies and we see it every single day out of his mouth. Why in the world would you ever put your trust in someone like that. The Trump voters are incredible suckers. See above. How can you not even see the irony of your ridiculous statement. “Trump” can lie with impunity but the Democrats can’t. That’s ridiculous. And as others have stated, the Democrats statements are based on Trump’s own statements!
  20. There is some truth to this. I see biased Twitter sources quoted. But disinformation could still have fooled half the country into voting Trump. 100% of us are victims of disinformation. The key is how often and how much? My argument is that half the country has been fooled by orders of magnitude more than than educated voters. And educated voters isn’t the full other half. A chunk of the Democrat voters have also been significantly influenced by disinformation. There is a set of verifiable facts that can be understood. And those that understand those facts are certain he is unfit.
  21. I was shocked that half the country chose to vote for Trump. I’ve spent the last 24 hours re-examining my own thought processes and information sources to really understand whether, as you say, I’ve been in an echo chamber and/or been interpreting information in a biased way. I concluded that while in a few cases I’ve assumed the worse about Trump in particular situations, in general the evidence is so overwhelming about his being unfit for office that there’s no way he should have been elected. The list of reasons is 20+ deep. You can dismiss a few, but not 20. I see your justifications for two of the 20+ reasons. I appreciate you answering those questions head-on. Most right leaning cloak room posters just duck tough questions, making them not credible. I’m guessing you will have a response/reason for the other 18 reasons why he’s unfit for office. But at some point, when the list is 20 deep, shouldn’t you also be looking at yourself and the half that voted Trump and ask yourselves whether you’ve all become victims of disinformation? Disinformation is extremely powerful. We see it all the time in social media and with organizations like Scientology. Isnt it possible that instead of the cloak room being an echo chamber it is a place where the smartest people who haven’t been victims of disinformation choose to converse? And I’m not talking about differences of opinion on the political spectrum. For example, I’m independent and do not support many of the far left policies that some in that thread support. But we are all able to agree on facts. And the facts are that there are 20 reasons why Trump is unfit for office. The answer to all of this may simply be that half the country is in “Scientology” and doesn’t even realize it because the purveyors of disinformation are that good (Republican Party, Russia).
  22. Texas - 20 Florida - 27 Florida yards gained - 347 Why? Because the world is going to burn this week.
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