I wanted to make a serious post to convey my deep thanks for people getting out to vote against Trump and for Harris. For me and my wife, and many other posters in this thread, the election is about far more than just political theater. It’s about serious impacts to people’s lives.
For us, cancer and other health issues hit our family and led to me retiring early. While we are fine financially and are currently on my wife’s healthcare, she will have to also drop work soon due to health reasons. As many of you know, until Obamacare came along, there were few to no high quality, affordable healthcare options for people under Medicare age that didn’t also come with some major affordability and eligibility issues for people with pre-existing conditions (which is everyone!). I could provide a lot more detail of the problems.
They aren’t just “poor people” issues! How would you feel not being able to see doctors and surgeons who could save your life because the insurance coverage is so limited? That is a probable future we could face with a hacked together Republican healthcare plan.
The Republicans came out today and stated that repeal of Obamacare would be one of the first items on their agenda. With no backup plan, especially for people with pre-existing conditions, many Americans face the impossibility of having no or terrible healthcare, despite having a lot of money to afford it. It’s a frightening prospect, as is their treatment of women, immigrants, trans and many other groups that also face tough consequences if these idiots win. Anyway, I really appreciate the people that have figured out what’s really going on and have taken action. Thank you.