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  1. It is Very Difficult (if not impossible) to have sex with one of these dolls
  2. also There is no Aids in the chair. It has been clean
  3. Hello today I have a gift for the special Princess in your life. Have you ever wanted to get something unque for your Lady but didn't know what. Maybe she does not chocolate. Maybe she already had all the pantie's she needed when she met you. Maybe she is mad at you and you do not know why. Well it's probably because she does not have a place to sit down because you bought her a cheap chair or even worse didn't buy her a chair at all Well it probably is not to late for you because it won't matter who bought her panty's soon. Because you can treat her like the princess with this one of a kind gold princess chair. This was hand crafted for a real princess in a large country but She died of Aids (She did not die in the chair) . Her people did not want to keep it because they thought it was curse with Aid's so their loss is your gain This chair is a one of a kind master piece and it is difficult to put a price on but today I did you can buy it for $4000. pickup at the air strip in Mclendon-Chisholm bring help I can not help you load
  4. Ok well when the next person you know dies Hit Me Up I guess
  5. these can also be customised by adding a picture or a flag on the top.
  6. yes for that many I can ship what country well you be using these In
  7. They are designed to put the worms in with the cadaver then they will eat the whole thing instead of just the meat parts. Because they are trapped in the box.
  8. Have you ever wondered what happens when you die. Probably you will have a funeral but who will pay for it now that you are dead. Your family. If you ever had a family member that is dead did you ever look at the receipt. Probably not but one of the things they make you have is an expensive casket. Not any more. And how are they going to pay for it because you don't have a job or insurance anymore. They can cost over tens of thousands of dollars or more. You minus well get buried in a shipping container. Well don't worry Casket's are now available. These are made by artisan craftsman, they are Asian. I have two Editions, a split top if you want open casket or full top if the cadaver is not suitable for display 100 % Pine Verneer they are lined with plastic and have a soft comfortable lining Regular Person Size (Somebody Who Is Short Like A Child Might Have Balance Issue So Fill Empty End With Sand Bag When Interring ) 73 available $60 Split Lid Style $50 Close Casket Style The more you buy the more you save Act Now porch pickup in Wylie. in California this product may cause cancer, birth defects or otherreproductive harm these are not license for home use by the Utah Board Of Necrology And Cremation Not Intended For Use Outside The United states
  9. Just in time for Christmas, I have obtained this for you or anyone else who would like to adopt! Surprise. He might be only 3 pounds and 19" long but he'll be BIG before you know. Its name is Champ it loves sports. it has been hand painted. $600 PPU in Sunnyvale
  10. I can meet you in Quinlan let me know eight hours before you want to meet . They are not very fast
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