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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by cactusflinthead

  1. Dude read the thread. Don't come in here ten days out and expect an explanation every time.
  2. I think I like this one the best of the drawings my daughter has done of the creatures.
  3. Chubba is a rescue from an old guy that passed. She puts up with exactly zero bullshit from the orange menace. She's a sweetie.
  4. Gotta be. Because I had the same set up in Denton proper.
  5. Take these two. Concur on waiting until winter. Trading stone for steel is fine. Root flare exposure also good. Bark nuggets good too. You can try to pull it more straight, but it's going to be a long process. It might revert back to it's comfort zone as soon as you unstake it.
  6. Missed the reply. I'll have more later on this morning.
  7. Is this gonna be one of those nights where the thread takes a strange turn?
  8. He said 3 months and he was coming back. I guess we'll see.
  9. @immamac Three months and we can expect to do this again?
  10. Kinda. He's losing his fastball. The act is getting tired and he can't see it. People are bored at his rallies. We had to invent the term 'sanewashing' because of his incessantly crazed pronouncements. He's not fooling everyone.
  11. Link to this one in there https://disorderup.substack.com/p/moby-dick-is-a-useless-guide-to-polling?publication_id=1332463&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-share&isFreemail=true&triedRedirect=true Ingesting polls feels like an opportunity to define a variable: who will win the election? This tendency, I think, was exacerbated in 2008, when two things happened: a majority of the country wanted a change after the Bush years, and a guy blogging under the handle Poblano (later revealing himself as Nate Silver) started to make predictions, based on polling and demographic analysis, so accurate that they suggested some kind of second sight. The people badly wanted something, and a wizard turned up out of nowhere and told them they would get it, and lo it was so. There are other factors, of course, but I think most stem from those two, and 2008 ushered us into a new era of Celebrity Nerds Who Can Tell The Future. Poblano. Wait a damn minute. I FUCKING REMEMBER NOW. HE WAS ON THE GREAT ORANGE SATAN https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/04/25/nate-silver-fivethirtyeight-abc-layoffs/ Readers only knew him as “poblano.” A baseball statistician by day, the mysterious writer started dipping his toes in the political waters in a data-filled Daily Kos blog post published at 2:10 a.m., Nov. 1, 2007, titled “HRC Electability in Purple States.” https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2007/10/31/405019/- Here is the headline: Clinton does a little better than Barack Obama and John Edwards in the Blue states. There is little difference between the three candidates in Red states. But Obama and Edwards do MUCH better than Clinton in Purple states. Numbers below the break for the math wonks amongst us. Feels like five lifetimes ago.
  12. Ok, you're even in here now. safe space ought to be safe.
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