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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by cactusflinthead

  1. Yeah, the only drawback to winter pruning is waiting for stubs to regrow if the shrubs are getting a hard cut. Taking out dead branches can be done any time. The random dying branch could a number of things, but I would bet on phytophthora. If it's getting new growth there's enough root system to weather the occasional attack. Keep an eye out for spotting on the leaves. That's usually what takes a toll on them. https://extension.umd.edu/resource/leaf-spot-red-tip-photinia I prefer t-methyl to the copper based fungicides. Propiconazole or azoxystrobin will work too. It's better as a preventative than remedial. Once it's got it you have to grow new leaves and keep them clean. Leaf litter control is very helpful for tamping down that part of the cycle.
  2. Edit The Navy's work in developing the first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus, meant that Rickover and Carter had access to the latest and greatest in top-secret nuclear energy technology. So when Canada's Chalk River nuclear research facility experienced a power surge that damaged its reactor, the U.S. sent Carter and his team. He was one of a few people in the world who could do it. ___ Carter and his 22 other team members were separated into teams of three and lowered into the reactor for 90-second intervals to clean the site. It was estimated that a minute-and-a-half was the maximum time humans could be exposed to the levels of radiation present in the area. It was still too much, especially by today's standards. The future president had radioactive urine for months after the cleanup. https://www.military.com/history/how-jimmy-carter-saved-canadian-nuclear-reactor-after-meltdown.html
  3. It wasn't this one, but it's gonna have to do. I think you underestimated N. Crowley.
  4. I'm wondering how much the owner leaned into Nill to get him. Maybe it was Nill's idea, but it's time to cut bait. Now I gotta go look at the fucking contract. Edit: another year at nearly 4m
  5. I can't imagine pulling Bischel for Dumba. The kid has done nothing to send him down and a good bit to make me want to see more. This is a pretty kickass game
  6. Something is up with Robin Lehner There's more He's having a meltdown
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