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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by cactusflinthead

  1. Ok I didn't see it and it will probably be lost in the TDV discussion. Aww that's fake. No. It's real
  2. I wonder how they decide it. Jerry rarely opens it up either.
  3. Now I can Focusness on this one
  4. I said no such thing last summer. I don't care if it looks like a big grill. AC IS AMAZING
  5. First post of the year. Fuck off ump. And when you get home fuck off there too
  6. Trying to think of a positive contribution he made. There's gotta be something but I don't remember it.
  7. You know they won't take that answer. That's like telling us we can't speculate on next year in football. No polling? TV would curl up and whimper. Accuracy be damned we need to talk about this in terms of a race and how are we supposed to do that if we can't figure out who is ahead? There's got to be a way to poll the resistant demos. Bad actors gotta have a tell. Some intrepid soul is pondering this too. Until then the Nates are going to keep running it out there even if it's way off.
  8. If I had similar issues with other streaming services I would think so too, nope just this POS. I think we know why they no longer play the schedule conflict games on the alt channel. Bally's managed to make us hate them even harder by forcing this half-assed attempt at an app.
  9. Is it fixable? We've discussed the problems with present day polling. Some are laughably bad, and they can stand on the MOE sometimes, but I don't think I can point to any single pollster that I trust implicitly. There are too many factors working against them to get an accurate assessment. It's easier to look at the string of recent elections. This one stands out. But, there's danger in that too. I want to get good vibes from it, but it's early and I can't afford to get comfortable or complacent.
  10. Same election. Republicans are capable of conceding with some grace.
  11. Wyatt with a sweet shorty
  12. Oh I'm watching it on there. Josh and Razor over ESPN every time. I just hate them. It's the worst. It regularly freezes. It won't stay logged in. It requires a reset to the provider constantly. Of all the apps to watch stuff it's the worst one and it's not even close. Excuse me it fucking froze again
  13. I hate Bally's so much
  14. There's a story that I heard about certain tribes. Someone would be tied down with wet rawhide around their ballsack staked taut near a red ant nest, since this predates the advent of fire ants. That's my choice for him.
  15. Well until Beard and girlfriend made news I was thinking about it in those terms about this team too. Now I just don't know. Trajectory change and it's depressing.
  16. It was painful to watch. I figured going in that this was the last game of the season. I take no solace in a close game. For the first time in years I feel better about the football program than the basketball.
  17. Just when I think he couldn't possibly be more rotten than I already know
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