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money spud

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  1. This show feels like someone from the 80s woke up after a 20 year plus coma and wrote a TV show. The 80s cheese is great, and I'm not normally a fan of cheesy shit, but this show is great.
  2. Anyone had any of the bourbon County variants? Me and a buddy have gone through all 3(Austin ones) this weekend. The tea one smells like fruity pebbles.
  3. I was pretty mad galaxy 2 wasn't included, I agree with your opinion on galaxy 1, but never played galaxy 2.
  4. Anyone playing Mario 35? I'm enjoying it quite a bit, it's not the type of game you're going to sink hours of time into in a single sitting, but it's pretty good addictive fun when you need to kill some time.
  5. Got side tracked for a bit but finally finished it. Absolutely excellent book, but not for everyone. The plot, difficulty and ending will be a turnoff for some, but if you can set aside the time to finish the book it's worth it.
  6. Anyone playing the new paper Mario? First one I've played, enjoyable so far.
  7. I haven't used cubuase yet, purchased the materials at the end of last month, still waiting on one of my studio monitors, my goal is to have everything installed and hooked up by the end of next week. I've recorded on both cubase and nuendo as a band and always been happy with it.
  8. I plan on keeping it as quiet as possible for neighbors, I'll primarily be doing acoustic guitar and stuff with programed drums up front.
  9. This is my third time starting it, I think I made it about 150ish pages the other times. The pandemic has made reading a long arduous book a much easier task.
  10. Who all has a home recording studio, what gear are y'all using? What educational resources do you find best? I'm in the process of starting my own home studio, got a few mics(sm81, sm57 and sm58) and a focus rite Scarlett 18i20 interface and I'll be running Cubase once I get everything set up.
  11. money spud

    Infinite jest

    I'm about 3/4s of the way through this book, thoroughly enjoying it. Who all has read it, what supplemental materials if any do you recommend and what else have you enjoyed from David Foster Wallace?
  12. Really enjoyed this movie.
  13. Drinking a cold glory from Austin Beerworks, pretty good stuff. Been on a bit of a lager kick recently. Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk
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