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Everything posted by Redpuma

  1. Does this have a redemption limit? Looking for new credit cards myself.
  2. Well shit, I thought I was special from Emily.
  3. just below 60 in central austin. doors and windows are wide open
  4. Bump. Any way to (loop holes included) to do a 1031 exchange to buy a primary residence.
  5. Redpuma

    2020 Drunk Thread

    Had a date night at lady friends house. She had presco which I’m meh about but only alcohol she had. I bought a bottle on the way home to continue drinking
  6. 1234 I seem to walk in every few years for fun. Amazing they didn't close a decade+ ago.
  7. 1234 i feel like we get better reporting on what is happening in the Middle East than fucking Portland.
  8. i have been this person for the past 1.5 yrs. FUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEE
  9. Redpuma

    Getting old sucks

    Back pain. First time I have had it for more than 1 day. Must have over extended myself with yard work... I feel like a cripple.
  10. I want to see this police write-up. “Suspect physically assaulted multiple officers and started to reach for a potential weapon in the car so we took decisive action to protect women and children near by....”
  11. they did foundation work for the remodel too.
  12. Bought a house 3-years ago. Had Quality Foundation in Austin do an assessment and took their full recommendation on what needs to be fixed on the foundation. It is pier and beam so was a fairly straight forward job it seemed. Started to do a full remodel a year a go and moved in just a few months ago. House within a week had huge cracks in the walls. I had the original foundation company out again, and they recommend new work saying there is about the same level of work as the original bid as there are additional piers that are failing. Am I wrong to expect them to do this work for free or at cost as they did the original assessment and I now significant have wall / roof damage because the original job wasn't complete enough to keep the house stable? There is likely material damage and cost to the walls from the foundation shifting.
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/style/golden-visa-second-passport-dual-citizenship.html The New American Status Symbol? A Second Passport Many U.S. citizens whose families immigrated from Europe are eligible, and the pandemic has caused an uptick in applications.
  14. Dog was about to go out the storm blew in and jumped right into bed
  15. How do I get posting access to the CR, because I want to hate myself and you all?
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