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Everything posted by PSmitty

  1. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
  2. I won’t say who or how my network got hacked. Cocksucker
  3. I think we all know how this is gonna end is fitting.
  4. Where’s the next flight out of HSB?
  5. Stick a fork in us. We’re done
  6. We all know this came from a level 1 source. Not surl. JK it’s surl
  7. Surly is the news. You know great coaches have a sense of humor too.
  8. We just dropped a cool 100 mil and were waiting for the right time to break the news? I don’t see it. The right time was last Sunday.
  9. I’m bargaining
  10. I hope we as a community learn something from this. Both the fact that if enough twitters make it possible, it’s true. And that we are the butt of the joke on FOX, and the scorn of ESPN. We should all fist ourselves to make it sink in.
  11. I am in the anger phase. Join me on the Jeff Fischer or Bust thread.
  12. I guess surly got a little fame when QUINN, LEINART, and BUSH trolled our asses on national television.
  13. The only question left is, why did we not fire Herman a month ago?
  14. Please be real.
  15. Corch Meyer once had an arachnid invade his brain. The spider lost.
  16. If you want to know the enemies of Corch Meyer, check the extinct species list.
  17. Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Corch Meyers.
  18. Surly- we put the investigative back in investigative reporting.
  19. Well ah’ll be furked. I did not know that.
  20. How hard is it to figure out if they are practicing? Even if it’s light stretching in Belmont, send a freshmen over to scope the parking garage.
  21. Definitely waiting to find Herman another job. The 30 bazillion we paid him isn’t enough to keep a roof over his head.
  22. One thing that was spot on was the flow chart. I propose one revision, we’re going to have to add another step in the return to coaching search arrow. Fan base canabalizes/fists itself.
  23. Furk, rap game Larry said Sunday so I waited. Might as well put Manny Diaz in the flight aware game
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