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Everything posted by shadow_operative

  1. zack greinke…
  2. lol same same.
  3. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 312 9/9: Rarity: 189 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  4. ok i don’t know why but this is racist.
  5. BO-RING.
  6. same. i’ve said it before, but his idiotic series of decisions which let to his termination is the worst moment(s) of my sports following life. worse than colt’s injury, worse than the 2008 TTU game, even worse than Black Jesus being drafted by a team with jeff fisher as its head coach. i was explaining it to my mom the other day and i put it to her like this: think about how hard it is to land a truly great player. aside from zach edey and maybe a couple other guys this year, there’s just not many of them around, and the ones that are around only consider going to a select few schools. now multiply that x100 and you’ve got how hard it is to land a truly great coach. they are very few and far between, and they tend to stay put for 2-3 decades once they get a great job, usually only leaving for their alma mater. that was us with beard. we had our bill self, roy williams, jay wright type of coach- the kind that you normally only dream of having. the kind who brings you 20, 25, 30 years of winning 7-8/10 of your games, signing the best recruits, sending guys to the nba, and winning championships. there is no other position in the entire world of sports like “elite cbb coach”. they win big, they do it forever, and they don’t go anywhere. we had that guy, and you don’t get that guy more than once. not if you aren’t kansas or unc. we had that guy, and as quickly as he gave us all a taste of what was coming, he got himself fired and then immediately hired by one of our new rivals. it still doesn’t seem real. shit is cruel and tragic. so yeah- i’m not going to stop thinking about this one for a while. he’s in my head.
  7. barnes setting the tone from tip off: grant williams on rick barnes’s grueling practices designed to weed out weaker guys: “coach barnes told (s&c coach garrett madenwald), “do whatever you need to do this summer; get guys to leave (this program).”
  8. looking at the schedule i’m seeing us heading into the season finale at 7-10 with a home game against OU being a must-win game, or essentially a play-in game, save us winning 2+ games in the league tourney. if we don’t take a game or two that we shouldn’t between now and then that’s going to be a tough season finale with that much on the line.
  9. also, reminder that randi trew lost her job at frenship HS due to her verbal abuse of her kids, among other things. so if that’s really worse than drunk driving, then being so verbally abusive to the kids you’re in charge of that the school lets you go despite having just led the team to its best ever season says a lot about the poor, helpless, blameless victim of chris beard’s “abuse”.
  10. just because we as a society have deemed that driving drunk is more acceptable than talking down to and/or putting your hands on your SO doesn’t mean it isn’t way, way worse. you and your crazy ass partner can beat the shit out of each other every day of the week and that’s only hurting y’all. but drinking and driving? i don’t if you went to school here in central Texas where a bunch of us did, but if you did then i don’t need to remind you of who jacqueline saburido is. ask her and her family which is worse- verbal abuse, or getting drunk and then driving. this one isn’t even close.
  11. also just to nip this in the bud, in case anyone here isn’t familiar with Milana Vayntrub (aka Lilly), before becoming the at&t sopkeslady she did some online streaming/youtube stuff involving gaming, as well as having several acting roles, all while really playing up the whole hot/approachable/nerdy/gamer chick thing. my only point being that she welcomed and actually sought attention towards her body, but then tried to shame people for talking about her body when she got fat and insecure about it.
  12. i didn’t hear anything about that, just saw interviews with MV about how people were noticing that she has gained weight and was suddenly hiding her body in commercials and how eased up it was to have people focusing on her body like that. this, of course, after spending the previous 3-4 years milking that same body for all the attention toon she could get. but yes, i’m totally in agreement- people being creeps and talking about violence and rape towards some lady on their tv is completely asinine and totally sad. i do not envy that aspect of being a woman.
  13. replacing jrue holiday with pat bev; bold move cotton.
  14. the at&t commercials were already annoying and terrible, but now that lilly has run the gamut of showing off her body for clicks amd atte ruin, then getting fat and hiding her body behind behind counters and shit in every ad, then trying to shame people for noticing that she got fat and made the decision to hide her body, only to lose the weight, get some work done on her face, and now once again feature her full body in every ad makes me hate the ads that much more. she wanted the attention when she was hot, then she tried to shake people for giving her attention, and now she’s asking for the attention again. fuck off lilly. oh yeah, tourney time coming up, which means we’ll be seeing lilly (assuming she’s not fat and hiding behind stuff again) about 15-20x a day again. can’t wait.
  15. reminder of what terry’s peers expected of his team:
  16. yep. he’s said it himself: “we’re a monday night program.” you have coaches like barnes and sampson who can build teams that are regular season giants but that ultimately aren’t built for tourney success (although sampson and barnes have their best ever teams at their current schools, so we’ll see what happens this year), and then you have Beaard who builds teams that might lose some games to their conference foes who know them and prepare for them year round, but that are built to blitzkreig their opponents come tourney time playing 40 minutes of hell. he understands what the bottom line is, and he builds his teams accordingly. he was the absolute perfect HC for this (and sadly most) fan base(s) who at the end of the day really only care about the tourney.
  17. what a player this guy is. probably going to be 1st team All American. if Rick makes it deep into the tourney this year it’ll be because of signing/developing this guy.
  18. why isn’t anyone trying to knock of their opponents off the wheel?
  19. in fact it would be cool if the emmy’s came up with a “shit we missed” category to make up for stuff like this.
  20. they should invent an award for the job that andre royo did as bubbles.
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