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Posts posted by shadow_operative

  1. 18 minutes ago, HoffaJimmy said:


    Mark was awful at Big Brother but he is no where near the massive little bitch that Josh was in their season of BB (and after their game of pool) or in every season he has been on the Challenge.

    I welcome all the new idiots, new story lines instead of the repetitive BS every season. 

    oh i agree that he isn't as big of a loser as Josh is, but just look at Mark's reaction to Josh's double hit: hyper. sensitive. even before it became an  argument he was jumping out of his shoes screaming about how it was a double hit. he might not be as bad as josh, but he is definitely super sensitive just like josh. that's how most former fat guys are. you can change your body, but if you don't change your little fat kid mentality then you still have a long way to go. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. LMAO, three seconds of research and i'm already completely fucking over this SMU guy

    SMU's 2020 AdjUsted Tempo: 64.8 (#331 nationally)

    2019 Adjusted Tempo: 65.0 (#310 nationally)

    2018 Adjusted Tempo: 64.3 (#336 nationally)

    Fuck yeah!!! More interminable possessions that end in a terrible 3-point attempt, Shaka Smart style baby!!!

    edit: they also turned the ball over on 20% of their offensive possessions and shot 32% from three as a team. so of course this is the offensive guru that Shaka has hired. fuck Shaka Smart.

  3. the young talent coming up in the MLB and NBA portends a new golden age of talent for each sport. it's really an amazing time to be a young-ish sports fan. the next 10-20 years look to be something special. 

  4. the extra casual nature in which this pig tried to kill this man is what's most disturbing. well, that, and the fact that incidents like this register as zero on the "how shocked am i that this happened" scale. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Enzo chooses Xmas and Bayleigh has to *immediately* talk out the side of her mouth about it. man BB casting found their perfect Angry Black Woman. 

    also, as un-PC as this might be in 2020, it sure seems like the black folks on this show like to isolate themselves from everyone else, but then expect other people to do favors for them. stop sitting around gossiping, and start playing the game. 

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