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Everything posted by QuesoEspecial

  1. Awesome Aussie and 👀thicc bacon...well played 👊
  2. I watched it with beer on Friday night and was entertained. Meh+ if you’re in the mood for a comedy.
  3. Chase Febres shoots better than that other dude 😆
  4. I forget his exact role as he wasn’t in my chain of command but we were Artillerymen doing an in lieu of mission and went to Tal Afar to get the 172 Infantry Brigade’s Strykers and move them to Baghdad in support of Operation Together Forward and the General was heavily involved in the planning as at the time that unit from Fort Wainwright, Alaska was the first to be ‘extended’ beyond 12 months. Those Strykers drew a lot of attention from the enemy as they called them the ‘ghost riders’ but they were awesome and that unit was badass.
  5. I had a 1 star General (Brigadier General) in the back of my truck on a mission from Baghdad to Tal Afar in 2005. Was definitely rare for us to have an officer at that let level roll with us (I was a 1LT at the time). It was cool but of course as we were leaving our staging area at BIAP one of my privates got his foot ran over by a trailer tire as he was ‘ground guiding’ the vehicles out 🤷‍♂️
  6. ☝️That sucked...can’t get out of our own way
  7. Aim Thai is my go to...they allow you to calibrate the level of spice in the dishes, very tasty and consistent
  8. Welp my Sunday pre-NFL playoffs just got less interesting...perhaps I’ll mix in a Home Depot or Bed Bath and Beyond run now that there’s time
  9. Seconded, a freaking boss for sure and an entertaining documentary thanks for the rec!
  10. Gabriel needs to be more disciplined but that was some fuckery from the ref...City’s penalty was given completely against the run of play and the lack of penalty for Arsenal on an Equally questionable decision in the 11th minute needs to be taken into context
  11. Go Army Beat Navy! Fired up and attending the game today...West Point Class of ‘03, Field Artillery, Combat Vet Iraq 05-06, Call Sign Blue 6...Hook’em 🤘
  12. Pfizer boosted on Friday...sore arm and generally felt low energy Saturday but back to normal today.
  13. Joey Freshwater for me...😆
  14. I hit up Katana Kitten with some friends visiting from Houston earlier this week, was awesome! I had the toki highball and our group enjoyed the music, service and overall vibe. Anyone tried Employees Only?
  15. I’d stick with Keen’s. The pipes that are stored up front to show the people that have been there through the years (Einstein, MacArthur, Ruth amongst loads of others) through the years creates a unique ambiance to experience, enjoy!
  16. My childhood order at the Galveston location...LuAnn Platter with roast beef, green beans, mac and cheese, dinner roll and egg custard
  17. Didn’t ou do that to Casey last week when he hurt his thumb? Same thing...got driven into the ground.
  18. Went to Pier 17 for a Need to Breathe concert on Saturday night, cool outdoor venue with nice views of the Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty.
  19. Bro you gotta spike those with tequila or vodka, it is known
  20. Wow...at least college football starts today.
  21. Is this heaven? No it’s Iowa College Station 🤣
  22. Fletcher’s corny dogs and wax cup Shiners at the Texas State Fair in Dallas for breakfast before the ousux game
  23. ☝️This...clearly you must have meant the pink Alfredo pasta dish that slams at Baris in Pflugerville
  24. Welp, this stings 🐝 ... 3rd kit is 🔥
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