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Certifiably Surly
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THUJONE last won the day on November 29 2021

THUJONE had the most liked content!


4550 Surly 10%



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  1. wow. Cain got that.
  2. He's an absolute clown. Hope some combo of Neyor, Brenan, Johntay can drop fewer balls.
  3. 30/44 320 yards and a TD is average? Okay. I'll take it. Also I think you mean "mediocrity". But you go.
  4. He had Duck Dynasty on the brain and his nervous system timed out.
  5. I'm not nearly as pissed about this as I was earlier. Quinn seemed to find himself in the second half and Sark found J Brooks. Casey Cain found his hands. Terrance Brooks looks awesome. Some positives to put in the old Moral Victory stocking for next year.
  6. Ewers looked almost as fast as Casey Cain there.
  7. Cain has dialed in. good for him.
  8. Yep. Offense has been poop. Didn't have to be. Offense was responsible for OSU and TCU losses in addition to this one (if we lose).
  9. Brooks is already good. Going to be great.
  10. Am happy to see Ewers looking a little more comfortable.
  11. That fucking drop sucked all the life out of us.
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