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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. Jamison reminding me of Dylan Haines flexing after getting stunted like a bitch.
  2. Our D is so stupid. Just utterly stupid. I'm fine actually with their play. It's the penalties. Fuuuuuck.
  3. Disagree. He was going in for a form tackle at the waist. He can't predict when Sanders is going to slide.
  4. Good punt. But fuck me, man. The play calling is fine. Our QB and WRs are stoned or something.
  5. Ooh man that was such a good play design. Fuck.
  6. We'll have single coverage all over the place we keep running
  7. We are jamming up the middle on these sluts.
  8. It's play design like that that makes Sark special. That was TOOOOOO easy.
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