To share a bottle of whiskey with Brisket on the ledge, we are a few weeks a way from these 2 scenarios:
1. Trump loses, and there will be blood in the streets again. For those of us paying attention, we were not surprised at all with what happened on January 6th. Trump will deny election results but since he's not in power right now that will be tamped down legally fairly quickly. Eventually Trump makes the decision to run in 2028, or leave the country, or makes a deal to avoid jail time. If he goes away (inshallah), the GOP is in shambles and there is a glimmer of hope to pick up the pieces of American society and function again.
2. Trump wins, and society becomes completely broken for at least a generation if not more. The "civil war" won't be an actual war, but a clear separation within communities that will happen swiftly and silently. People will just find their tribe and hold on for dear life. It's already kind of been happening, but it will be much more obvious and the general apathy towards each side will make a lot of institutions in this country crumble.