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  1. Maxwell Smart Col Klink Frank Burns Col Flagg
  2. Major Kong the checklist and pep talk .......
  3. We all need a caddy like Oddjob
  4. https://youtu.be/z1ArtYDOAIw Did You See The Sunrise?
  5. Guessing the safeties were removed ....
  6. Charlton Heston vs Gregory Peck - Fist Fight Scene in The Big Country Kirk Douglas & Anthony Quinn - Last Train From Gun Hill
  7. Bet they kicked in the following bonus ......
  8. Petrino was offered a sidecar for sheep research .........
  9. Jimbo's seat just got hotter .....
  10. needed to add these if not covered by another list .... Command Decision 1948 Twelve O'Clock High 1949 The Blue Max 1966 Stalag 17 Fighter Squadron Hart's War
  11. This one is rare to TV. When I find it, a complete stop down. Also has the guy that played Henry Salt from Willy Wonka
  12. Maybe aggy can give Jimbo a section of Kroger Stadium
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